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468                                                                          可與本拍品比較的出土例子,有1979年河南淅川下寺十一號墓出土,
An inscribed archaic bronze tripod incense burner and cover, ding            現藏河南省文物考古研究所藏的蟠蛇紋鼎,見《中國美術分類全集.中
Eastern Zhou dynasty                                                         出土於陝西鳳翔高王寺的吳王孫無壬鼎,見《中國美術分類全集.中國
Raised on three feet issuing from three taotie masks in relief, the deep     青銅器全集.東周5》,北京,1998年,頁6-7,編號6,7。兩者皆比本拍
spherical body decorated with two bands of densely entwined archaistic       賽克勒舊藏一件形制類似的平蓋三足鼎,現藏於普林斯頓藝術館,著
kui dragons, flanked at the shoulders with a pair of right-angled ‘U’-       錄與Jenny So著,《Eastern Zhou Ritual Bronzes from the Arthur M.
                                                                             Scakler Collections》卷3,紐約,1995年,頁110。
shaped upright handles, surmounted at the top with a gently domed

cover issuing three mythical beast finials with looped handles, the centre

further cast with a ringed handle, the underside of the cover cast with a
series of twelve-character zhuanshu inscription arranged in a circle.
26.7cm high. (2).
HK$400,000 - 600,000
US$52,000 - 77,000

東周 青銅蟠蛇紋獸首足蓋鼎

See a very similar excavated example dating to the late Spring and
Autumn period, showing almost identical elongated tripod feet and
handles, unearthed in Shaanxi Province in September 1977, in the
Fengxiang Cultural Palace, Shaanxi Province, illustrated in Zhongguo
Qingtongqi Quanji 11. Eastern Zhou 5, Beijing, 1997, pp.6-7, no.6 & 7.

Compare also another similar example formerly from the Arthur M.
Sackler collection, later bequested by the Chester Dale and Dolly Carter
collection (accession no.V-305), currently preserved in The Art Museum,
Princeton University (accession no.65.72), illustrated by Jenny So, Eastern
Zhou Ritual Bronzes from the Arthur M. Scakler Collections. Volume III,
New York, 1995, p.110. The mentioned example is comparable with the
current lot, with similar slim undecorated legs supporting a deep bulbous
cauldron, flanked by a pair of inverted ‘U’-shaped handles at the sides.
It is also interesting to note that these two share comparable irregularly
interlacing configurations.

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