Page 24 - The Age of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent
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ship  the  Ottoman  navy  sailed from  one  victory to  another.  peace  treaty  with  the  Habsburgs, Süleyman  was  free  to  con-
     His  first  task was  to  capture  Coron  and  Tunis; then  he  under-  front  the  Safavids,  who  had  taken  Tabriz  and  were ravaging
     took  systematic raids on  the  coastal towns  of Italy  and  Spain.  Georgia.  During this campaign,  which  took  place in  1548-
       Assured  that  the  Mediterranean  was  in  good  hands,  Süley-  1549,  the  Ottomans  advanced  into  Hamadan and Isfahan,
     man  embarked  on  his next  offensive,  moving this time  and  recaptured  Tabriz, Van, and  most  of Georgia. As soon  as
     against  the  Safavids in  the  east.  During the  campaign of  Süleyman  withdrew  his forces and  returned  to Istanbul,  Tah-
     1534-1536 the  Ottomans  captured  Tabriz and  then  Baghdad,  masp  began  attacking  Erzurum  and  Van, forcing the  sultan  to
     annexing  parts  of Azerbaijan and  Iraq. Meanwhile  the sultan  launch  yet another  confrontation with  the  Safavids.
     had  concluded  a treaty with  the  French  to join  forces  in at-  The third  war  with  Iran,  lasting from  1553 to  1555, re-
     tacking  the  Habsburgs in  the  Mediterranean.  In  the  spring of  sulted  in  the  conquest  of Nahçivan  (Nakhichevan) and  Revan
     1537  Süleyman  moved  into  Albania and  Greece  and  besieged  (Yerevan).  Süleyman  decided  to  spend  the  winter  of  1555 in
     the  fortress on  the  island  of Corfu  as a prelude  to  the  inva-  Amasya.  There  peace  treaties  with  the  Habsburgs and  Safav-
     sion  of Italy. The  fortress held  out  and  he  was  forced  to  lift  ids were  signed;  by the  former,  its delegation  headed  by
     the  siege.                                                Baron  Ogier Ghiselin de  Busbecq,  a  six-month  cease-fire was
       The following year the  sultan embarked on  his eighth cam-  obtained,  and  by the  latter the  Ottoman-Safa vid boundaries
     paign, which  resulted in  the  annexation of southern Molda-  were  determined.
     via.  While  he  was  preoccupied  in  the  Balkans the  greatest Ot-  During  these  years  Süleyman  lost two  of his  sons.  §ehzade
     toman  victory at  sea took  place.  On  28  September  1538  Mustafa,  his  eldest  son,  was  accused  of plotting  to  depose
     Barbaros  Hayreddin confronted  at  Preveza Andrea Doria,  him  to take  over  the  sultanate  and  was killed by the  royal
     who  commanded  the  six-hundred-vessel armada that in-    executioners  when he  came  to  see his father near  Konya in
     cluded  the  combined  forces  of the  Holy  Roman Empire, the  the  fall  of  1553.  Cihangir, Süleyman's  frail  youngest  son,  died
     papacy,  the  Italian  states of Venice, Genoa,  and  Florence, in  shortly  after.
     addition  to  ships supplied by Portugal and  the  Knights of  Although  battles  continued  on  the  western  front  in the  en-
     Malta. Within  five  hours  Barbaros Hayreddin emerged  as  the  suing  years,  the  Habsburgs  ceased  to be a major  threat  after
     victor,  inflicting  such  a devastating blow  to  the  Europeans  the  death  of Charles  V, and  Süleyman  did not  lead  an  impe-
     that  they  could not  recover for three  decades and terminating  rial  campaign  for  some  ten  years.  He was  made  desolate by
     their  hopes  to contain Ottoman supremacy in  the Mediterra-  the  death  of his  beloved  wife  Hürrem in  1558,  and  torn by
     nean.  This was  the  greatest age for the  Ottoman navy, its dar-  the  feud  between  his  sons,  Bayezid and  Selim, which  devel-
     ing captains claiming  major Mediterranean ports and  vying  oped  into  a  civil war  by  the  spring  of  1559.  The battle of
     with  the  Portuguese  in the  Indian  Ocean. The period  between  Konya  resulted  in  the  defeat of Bayezid, who fled with  his
     1520  and  1540  was  one  of continual-victories  for  Süleyman.  four  sons  to  the  court  of Tahmasp,  where Bayezid was  held
       The conflict  over  the  supremacy  of Hungary resumed  when  for  ransom  and  eventually  sold to  the  Ottomans.  In  1561
     John  Zápolya died  in  1540  and  left  an  infant son  on  the  Bayezid  and  his  sons  were  delivered  to  an  Ottoman  delega-
     throne.  Ferdinand, quick to  take advantage of the situation,  tion  in  Kazvin  and  were  promptly  executed.
     moved  in  and  besieged  Budapest. Süleyman  was  compelled  The following year  an  eight-year peace  treaty was  signed
     to  secure  Budapest  by formally annexing  Hungary,  which  in  with  Ferdinand,  who  was now  the  emperor  of the  Holy Ro-
     1541  became  a  province  controlled  by an  Ottoman  governor.  man  Empire,  having  succeeded  Charles V. In  1565 the  Otto-
       Another  siege of Budapest by  the  Austrians forced  the sul-  man  navy  attempted  to capture Malta, the  domain  of the
     tan  to  embark  on  his tenth  campaign  in  1543.  Meanwhile  Knights  of Saint John  since  their expulsion  from  Rhodes  in
     Barbaros  Hayreddin, sent  to  aid  the  French  in Marseilles,  was  1522.  The  attack, led by Turgud Reis, who  lost his  life  in  the
     attacking  Nice and  other  ports  on  the  Mediterranean.  Süley-  battle,  was  unsuccessful and  was  repelled  by the  knights.
     man  once again  asserted  his  sovereignty  over  Budapest  and  The same year  problems  developed  on  the  Austrian-Otto-
     went  on  to  conquer  Peç (Pecs),  Estergon  (Esztergom), and  man  frontier  and  Süleyman  decided  to  lead  his army  once
     Estonibelgrad  (Székesfehérvár).  In  1547  he  signed  a  five-year  again,  leaving Istanbul  on  May  1566. This was  his  seventh  at-
     peace  treaty with  the  Habsburgs in which  Ferdinand  was al-  tempt  to  secure  Hungary,  a  struggle that  had  begun  within  a
     lowed  to  keep  a  portion  of Hungary, paying in return  a  year  of his  accession  to  the  throne.  The Ottoman  forces ar-
     yearly tribute.  The same  year  the  Franco-Ottoman  alliance  rived  at  Szigetvár  on  6 August and  besieged  the  fortress  for a
     was  renewed  by Henry  II, who  had  succeeded  Francis  I  and  month.  Süleyman  was  seriously  ill when he  embarked  on his
     was  convinced  that  his monarchy  would  survive against  campaign  and  could  barely  ride  his horse.  During the  siege of
     Charles  V only with  the  sultan's  support.              the  fortress he  lay  sick in  his tent;  he  died  on  the  eve of 7
       Charles  V in  return  had  allied himself with  Tahmasp,  the  September,  a  few  hours  before  Szigetvár fell.  The grand vezir
     Safavid  ruler  of Iran,  forcing Süleyman  to  curtail his  cam-  Sokollu  Mehmed  Pa§a  felt  that  the  announcement  of his
     paigns  in  order not  to fight on  both  fronts. After  signing  the  death  would  be  detrimental  to  state  security  unless  the  new

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