Page 20 - 2019 Nov 28 Sir Quo-Wei Lee Collection Hong Kong
P. 20
Blue and white porcelains of the Yongle period (r. 1403-24) 明永樂之青花,自古以來深受推崇,影響明清二朝瓷作
rank among the finest in the history of Chinese ceramics and 深遠。本梅瓶纏枝蓮紋和諧相宜,襯托優雅器形,實屬
their designs provided inspiration throughout the Ming and 明初御瓷風格典範。
Qing dynasties. The present meiping, with its harmonious
combination of foliate scrolls with lotus blooms gracefully
draped over an elegant form, exemplifies the style and taste 比較一例清宮舊藏,現存於北京,載於《故宮博物院藏
of early Ming imperial porcelain. 文物珍品全集.青花釉裏紅(上)》,香港,2008年,
Closely related meiping can be found in important museum 圖版32;台北國立故宮博物院收藏另一帶蓋例,曾展於
collections worldwide; see one from the Qing Court 《適於心—明代永樂皇帝的瓷器》,國立故宮博物院,
Collection and still in Beijing, illustrated in The Complete 台北,2017年,編號52;上海博物館亦收藏一例,曾
Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum. Blue and 展於《青花磁器展》,松屋銀座,東京,1988年,編號
White Porcelain with Underglazed Red (I), Hong Kong,
2008, pl. 32; one with a cover in the National Palace 10;第四例出自華盛頓弗利爾美術館,圖載於《東洋陶
Museum, Taipei, included in the Museum’s exhibition Shi 磁大觀》,卷9,東京,1981年,圖版92。此外尚可比
yu xin: Mingdai Yongle huangdi de ciqi/ Pleasingly Pure and 較一例,出自名古屋茶道收藏,尺寸稍大,飾折枝花果
Lustrous. Porcelains from the Yongle Reign (1403-1424) of 紋,售於香港蘇富比2014年4月8日,編號3023。
the Ming Dynasty, 2017, cat. no. 52; another in the Shanghai
Museum, Shanghai, exhibited in Seika jiki ten [Exhibition
of blue and white porcelain from the Shanghai Museum],
Matsuya Ginza, Tokyo, 1988, cat. no. 10; and a fourth vase
in the Freer Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., illustrated in
Oriental Ceramics, The World’s Great Collections, vol. 9,
Tokyo, 1981, pl. 92. Compare also a slightly larger meiping
painted with fruits, from the Nagoya tea ceremony collection,
sold in these rooms, 8th April 2014, lot 3023.