Page 22 - 2019 Nov 28 Sir Quo-Wei Lee Collection Hong Kong
P. 22
A COPPER-RED ‘DRAGON AND PHOENIX’ 清十八世紀 釉裏紅仿古龍鳳四季花卉紋梅瓶
well-potted, the baluster body sweeping up to a short 倫敦蘇富比1976年4月6日,編號140
everted neck, finely decorated in pencilled tones of 香港蘇富比1979年5月22日,編號201
underglaze copper red with archaistic chilong and phoenix
interspersed among composite floral scroll, all between
lappet bands encircling the base and the neck, the rim
encircled by detached floral sprays
35.9 cm, 14⅛ in.
Sotheby’s London, 6th April 1976, lot 140.
Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 22nd May 1979, lot 201.
HK$ 50,000-70,000
US$ 6,400-9,000
Elegantly decorated in copper red with sinuous archaistic 梅瓶器形修長圓潤,束口小巧,滿飾仿古夔龍祥鳳,繞
dragons and phoenix striding amongst leafy blooms, the 纏花葉間,圖案繁而不縟,見證匠人之精工巧筆。釉裏
present vase demonstrates the technical proficiency of the 紅瓷燒造甚艱,須極度精準控制火候,甫得佳色如斯,
craftsmen through the precise application of the highly-
temperamental copper pigment. 甚是難得。
Meiping vases of this design are extremely rare. For a related 此式梅瓶極罕,他例難尋。相類釉裏紅龍紋梅瓶,可參
but slightly smaller example, compare one with more angular 考一尺寸較小之穿芝螭龍例,瓶肩不似此品圓溜,三度
shoulders and painted with dragons striding among lingzhi
scrolls, sold three times at auction, first in our London 售於拍賣,分別為倫敦蘇富比1974年12月2/3日,編號
rooms, 2nd/3rd December 1974, lot 532, again in these 532、香港蘇富比1977年11月29日,編號196及紐約佳
rooms, 29th November 1977, lot 196, and the third time at 士得2007年9月19日,編號404。另有一例,無款,較
Christie’s New York, 19th September 2007, lot 404. A further 此略高,1981年2月15日在東京佳士得拍出,編號313。
example, larger and unmarked, was sold at Christie’s Tokyo,
15th February 1981, lot 313. 另可比較兩例釉裏紅瑞果紋溜肩梅瓶,一為日本舊藏,
See two underglaze-red ‘fruit’ meiping of this slender shape 無款,收錄在《東京國立博物館圖版目錄:中國古陶磁
with smooth shoulders: the first vase from a Japanese 篇》,卷2,東京,1990年,圖版570,另一尺寸較小、
collection and included in Illustrated Catalogue of Tokyo
National Museum. Chinese Ceramics II, Tokyo, 1990, pl. 570; 帶乾隆六字篆款,屬迦納爵士舊蓄,售於香港蘇富比
and the second one formerly in the collection of Sir Harry 1978年5月23日,編號107。
Garner, smaller in size and dated to the Qianlong period, sold
in these rooms, 23rd May 1978, lot 107.