Page 52 - 2019 Nov 28 Sir Quo-Wei Lee Collection Hong Kong
P. 52


           A WHITE JADE ARCHAISTIC ‘TAOTIE’          清十八世紀   白玉仿古饕餮紋雙龍銜環蓋爐
           QING DYNASTY, 18TH CENTURY                來源:
           the rounded sides rising on three legs, flanked by a pair of   倫敦蘇富比1969年7月1日,編號69
           animal mask handles suspending loose rings, the exterior
           worked in low relief with a band of stylised taotie masks,
           the domed cover similarly carved with archaistic scrolls and
           surmounted by a ruyi-shaped finial set with three loose rings,
           the stone of an even white tone
           15.5 cm, 6⅛ in.
           Sotheby’s London, 1st July 1969, lot 69.
           HK$ 400,000-600,000
           US$ 51,500-77,000

           This censer follows the Song dynasty (960-1279) tradition   白玉蓋爐,依循兩宋傳統,汲古創新,取高古青銅器
           of creatively reinterpreting archiahc ritual bronze designs   形,用於小形玉作。本品饕餮紋,白玉蓋爐,依循兩
           into relatively small jade vessels. In the case of the present   宋傳統,汲古創新,取高古青銅器形,用於小型玉作。
           censer, the taotie masks have been rendered with lingzhi-
           shaped mouths, a motif repeated on the cover.  本品饕餮紋,獸吻一改慣常形態,採靈芝之形,尤為獨
           While tripod censers carved with taotie masks are numerous,
           those with multiple loop rings on the cover are unusual;
           compare a slightly larger censer of similar form, but the   饕餮紋三足爐雖為數甚眾,此類爐頂琢活環者,實為少
           cover with further toatie masks and with a dragon knob,   見。比較一件造形類同蓋爐,尺寸較大,蓋飾饕餮紋、
           sold in our New York rooms, 23rd April 1987, lot 191; one    龍紐,1987年4月23日售於紐約蘇富比,編號191;另
           also carved with phoenix-shaped handles, from the Avery   一例為鳳形耳,出自布倫戴奇舊藏,現存舊金山亞洲
           Brundage collection, in the Asian Art Museum of San
           Francisco, illustrated in René-Yvon Lefebvre d’Argencé,   藝術博物館,載於  René-Yvon Lefebvre d’Argencé,
           Chinese Jades in the Avery Brundage Collection, San   《Chinese Jades in the Avery Brundage Collection》
           Francisco, 1977, pl. LIV; and another sold in these rooms,   ,三藩市,1977年,圖版LIV;還有一例售於香港蘇富
           31st October 2004, lot 10.

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