Page 39 - Classical Chinese Furniture from Heveningham Hall may 28 2021 hk.pdf
P. 39

fig. 1  Woodblock print of Ming dynasty court rank badge,         detail
                                  illustrated in sancai tuhui                             細部
                        圖一  明代麒麟補子圖像,王圻、王思義著明代《三才圖會》

               2809 Continued

               With its majestic proportions and deceptively complex design, this   交椅常見者分二式。一式只設靠背,上部如燈掛椅或一統碑式,多稱為
               important folding chair embodies the subtle grace and technical   「直背交椅」;另一式上部如同圈椅,多稱為「圈背交椅」或「圓背交
               genius of 17th century furniture. As seen in the graceful movement
               of the arms, the beautifully figured grain of the back splat, and the   椅」。兩者造型的源頭,皆是憑几與交杌(拍品編號 2820)結合而成,
               robust construction of the crossed legs, this folding chair suggests the   只是前者為直型憑几,後者為弧形憑几。交椅唐時已有,較早的圖像形
               power and importance of its original owner. Though folding horseshoe-  象為敦煌莫高窟 61 窟五代時五臺山圖所見。
               back armchairs are seen in Ming-dynasty woodblock prints and in
               Song-dynasty paintings, there are only a limited number of surviving   此交椅為圈背交椅,椅圈三接,用料頗足,形體壯碩而走勢蜿蜒,至末
               examples dating to 17th century. Of what furniture remains from the   端外翻為卷珠式,氣勢開張,這是交椅中常採用的一種經典造型。其靠
               Ming period, the folding horseshoe-back armchair is the rarest.  背板乍看為三攢式,其實為一塊厚板雕刻而成,因側腳收分,上方收窄,
               The design is an elite variation of the older and humbler folding stool,   餘留部分斫挖為一體的窄長角牙,兼備結構和功能之用。靠背板被雕刻
               such as lot 2820. Recorded to have been in use since the Han dynasty   為混面攢框式,橫豎棖相交的榫卯線也均以陰線刻畫,幾可亂真。這種
               (206 BC – AD 220), the folding stool was called huchang, or ‘barbarian   手法,常見於交椅或圈椅。從結構上來說,一木製成的靠背板比攢接靠
               bed,’ a reference to its foreign origin. Of the four types of armchairs,
               the horseshoe-back design, with its sweeping U-shaped crestrail and   背板更耐久一些,但需要較寬厚的板料才可製成,以明末清初時所見較
               outswept hooks, is the most easily adapted to collapsing. When folded,   多。
               the front seat rail fits snugly within the curved supporting arms. Metal
               bracing, as seen on the backward curves of the legs, the tops of the   交椅所飾的麒麟紋、螭紋和四簇雲紋皆有明代特徵,靠背板一木製成的
               footrests, and the joins, was introduced to further strengthen these   做法也偏早,具較明顯的 17 世紀風格。靠背板分三段:中段為主體,
               chairs. Metal pins, inserted where the legs cross, allow the legs to fold   鏟地浮雕麒麟紋。下方山石上站立一個回首的麒麟,嘴大張,如意鼻頭,
               upwards.                                          眼如珠,龍鬚飄舞,鬚髮凝為一束而三彎,獨角後,牛身龍首,作回首
               The present lot is notable for its exceptionally handsome qilin motif   狀,身軀孔武有力,四足健碩。後腿根部飄出火焰翼,麈尾高揚。其神
               carved in relief to imitate three sections on a single-panel splat. The qilin   情既見醇厚,又覺威儀。空中為四簇祥雲拱托紅日。麒麟為瑞獸,有武
               is an imperial symbol for prosperity and good fortune, corresponding to   備而不為害,在古代多作為官員之象徵,明清時麒麟補子(圖一)是高
               rank badges (fig. 1) of the Ming and Qing dynasties. As decreed in 1391,
               badges featuring the qilin were worn by dukes, marquises, earls, and   級官員所用,在明為公、侯、駙馬、伯,在清為一品武官。以之施於器
               sons-in-law of the emperor. The folding horseshoe-back armchair was   物,也可側面反映使用者地位之尊崇。祥雲拱日,則有清正廉潔之寓意。
               used by the Imperial family and wealthy and powerful individuals as a   上段設如意形開光,其內飾團螭紋,採用透雕手法,更顯疏透,並與中
               symbol of status and rank. The “first folding chair” (di yi ba jiaoyi) is a   段麒麟紋形成製作手法和圖案之對比變化。下段鏟地浮雕兼陰刻壼門式
               well-known Chinese saying and conveys the importance of this type of   亮腳牙板,略衍為卷草紋,起點綴和增層次變化的作用。
               chair, as the most honoured seat in a public room.

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