Page 40 - Classical Chinese Furniture from Heveningham Hall may 28 2021 hk.pdf
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fig. 2 fig. 3
圖二 圖三
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Folding horseshoe-back armchairs also appear as quotidian furniture, 椅座面前大邊上方起粗圓線,兩端「S」形輪廓,兼以下方斜鏟出的壼
used on verandas or outdoors. Collapsible for ease of transport and 門造型,整體圍合成宛如台座的樣式,頗增莊重,為交椅之典型手法。
compact storage, their complex construction and fragile design made
these chairs subject to greater wear and more susceptible to damage. In 其上看面浮雕雙螭紋,兩足蹬開,相向追逐著中間壼門處衍出的卷草紋,
this context, the chair loses its symbol as a mark of status and instead is 尾翼亦衍為兩片卷葉狀向後屈卷。前方托泥上設插肩榫式腳踏,其牙板
associated with leisure, the natural world, and comfortable, relaxed living. 挖為壼門式,腿足造型較為微妙,往內收後又往前方和兩側翻為馬蹄足。
Of the surviving examples dating to the Ming dynasty, the majority are 交椅的各個交接處和腳踏等易損處皆包以銅飾件。一般黃花梨交椅多用
found in prominent museum collections, while a few remain in private 金屬飾件為鐵鋄銀工藝,或此例在後世有過維修、更換。
hands. The present folding chair, with its elaborately decorated splat
exquisitely carved with qilin imitating three registers, is most similar 交椅是家具中稀少且重要的品類,攜帶方便,為行旅所用。自宋以來,
in proportion and design to one formerly in the Museum of Classical 皇帝出行的大駕鹵薄中,便有交椅,明清依然延續,如明代《大明集禮》
Chinese Furniture, with also three carved registers on the splat but 《出警圖》、清代《皇朝禮器圖式》等,皆有反映,帝王或官員畫像,
with stylized chi-dragon and shou character motif (fig. 1), illustrated 也以坐交椅為常式。但由於結構複雜,使用、搬動頻繁,年久易損,故
by Wang, et al., Masterpieces from the Museum of Classical Chinese
Furniture, San Francisco and Chicago, 1995, p. 74, no. 35 and sold 傳世者稀。目前統計,黃花梨圈背交椅,不過三十餘例,除去博物館所
in Christie’s New York, 19 September 1996, lot 50. The chair in the 藏,可流通者不過十來件而已,故交椅被視作明清家具中之重器,許多
collection of Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City with also fully 收藏家以未獲交椅為憾。
ornate back splat is carved with intricate floral scrolls, illustrated by S.
Handler, ‘The Elegant Vagabond: The Chinese Folding Chair’, Chinese 此交椅的獨板黃花梨靠背板上裝飾滿布,仿三段攢接的雕刻技法,與美
Furniture: Selected Articles from Orientations, pp. 146-147, fig. 2. 國加州中國古典家具博物館舊藏黃花梨螭龍壽字紋圈背交椅雷同(圖
Two other known brass-mounted folding armchairs with qilin motif. 二),後者上段沒有透雕,而中間飾螭龍紋和變形壽紋,拍賣於紐約佳
One example formerly belonging to Wang Shixiang and now at the 士得,1996 年 9 月 19 日,拍品編號 50。美國堪薩斯州納爾遜.阿特金
Shanghai Museum, is illustrated on the cover of Chinese Furniture: 斯藝術博物館藏另一張靠背板滿雕的黃花梨圈背交椅,上飾纏枝花卉
Selected Articles from Orientations 1984-1999, Hong Kong, 1999. The 紋。另見兩例飾麒麟紋交椅,王世襄舊藏一例並現藏於上海博物館,著
other armchair with a carved pierced central splat depicting a qilin
amidst scrolling clouds (fig. 2), was formerly in the collection of John W. 錄於《Chinese Furniture: Selected Articles from Orientations 1984-1999》
Gruber was sold at Christie’s New York, From Elegant Mansions: Fine 封面,香港,1999 年;另一例拍賣紐約佳士得,年月日,拍品編號(圖
Classical Chinese Furniture and Works of Art, 16 September 1998, lot 三),為 John W. Gruber 舊藏,後拍賣於北京保利,2018 年 12 月 8 日,
32, and subsequently sold at Poly Auction, Beijing, 8 December 2018, 拍品編號 5405,成交價 RMB27,370,000。
lot 5405 and achieved RMB 27,370,000.