Page 95 - Chinese Art Bonhams San Francisco December 19, 2017
P. 95

           6338                                              6342
           The first of thin curving section terminating in a beast head; the   The elliptical form bell cast to the swelling walls with two opposing
           second of wide thin convex section displaying raised relief dragon   vertical panels framing inscriptions reading da sheng and tai cu
           and cloud decoration to the exterior; the third of stylized bird   zhong sheng respectively, borders by rows of raised bosses and
           shape inlaid in traces of malachite or other semi-precious stones or   scrolling patterns that also covering the most remaining surfaces of
           composition materials.                            the entire bell surmounted with an upright handle with a suspension
           3 1/2in (9cm) length of first and longest         loop.
                                                             13 3/4in (35cm) high
           $600 - 800
                                                             $1,000 - 1,500
           6339                                              A BRONZE GU-FORM VASE
           A GROUP OF FIVE SMALL BRONZES                     Late Qing/Republic period
           The first a sword decoration of chevron shape pierced by a   Cast in raised relief with plantain leaf reserves rising on the exterior
           rectangular aperture, the patina covered in green verdigris; the   of the flared neck, projecting flanges separating stylized taotie mask
           second a recumbent winged lion; the third likely a Japanese menuki   bands on the central knob and spreading foot finished with a low
           partially gilt to depict two monkeys sitting next to each other and   recessed base, the patina of medium brown hue (wear from use).
           extending humorously long arms; the fourth, a belt hook of curving   8 5/8in (22cm) high
           section terminating in a bird head hook and reversed by a raised
           circular nodule, partially covered in verdigris; the fifth, a taotie mask   $800 - 1,200
           supporting a loop or hook and reversed by a flange for attachment to
           a now lost larger object.                         Provenance
           3in (7.2cm) length of belt hook                   Roy Maxwell Talbot (1880-1963); thence by descent through his
           $1,000 - 1,500
                                                             Roy Maxwell Talbot began his career in the Chinese Maritime
           6340                                              Customs in 1908. He served as Commissioner of Customs
                                                             from 1935 until 1938, when he became Audit Secretary in the
           TWO METAL DECORATIONS                             Inspectorate General’s Office. He was in that position until 1942.
           The larger a bronze bell cast with a dragon-shaped suspension loop   He served in Canton, Icheng, Nanking, Shanghai, Harbin, Swatow,
           and the inscription yong cun zhen wan (a precious object to be kept   Kongmoon, Aigun, Antung, Changsha, Amoy and Kunming. In July
           forever) above a gourd vine in high relief; the smaller an iron stirrup   1932, Talbot was arrested by Japanese officials in Antung, Manchuria
           with silver damascene decoration of shou medallions and bats in   for refusing to hand over the Chinese customs revenues. In 1941 he
           clouds on both sides of the reticulated crest (wear, corrosion).   was held in the Bridge House, an infamous dungeon, for 42 days.
           11 and 6 3/4in (28 and17cm) high                  Talbot’s detention by the Japanese created an international incident.
                                                             Newspapers around the world carried headlines of an arrest of an
           $800 - 1,200                                      ‘American’ employed by the Chinese.
           6341                                              6344
           TWO BRONZES                                       A BRONZE HU-FORM VESSEL
           The first a bronze tripod incense burner, the lobed sides raised to a   Qing dynasty
           waisted rim, supporting a pair of handles with a weave design, the   Of flattened baluster form supporting opposing beast-head handles
           underside with an apocryphal six-character Xuande mark (covered   at the shoulder and covered in horizontal raised-relief bands of
           with extensive verdigris); the second a Tang style mirror of flower-  archaistic bird and repeating geometric patterns, together with a
           head form, cast with two facing birds flanking a central domed loop   metal alloy fitted interior sleeve for flower arranging. [2]
           above a lotus, the metal of silver hue (brown and green encrustation).   12 1/4in (31cm) high
           4 3/4in (12.1cm) width of censer
           5 1/4in (13.3cm) diameter of mirror               $1,500 - 2,000
           $1,500 - 2,000

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