Page 106 - Sotheby's October 2 2017 Modern Chinese Paintings
P. 106
1320 1321
SONG WENZHI (1918-1999) 宋文治 蜀江曉泊
Along the Shore of River Shu 水墨紙本 鏡框 一九八一年作
ink on paper, framed 保成、玅枝賢伉儷雅正。辛酉初秋,戲作蜀江曉泊之景。文治於香港
signed WENZHI, dated 1981, inscribed, with a dedication, and two seals of 清音閣。
the artist 鈐印:「婁江文治」、「松石齋」。
69.3 by 69.9 cm. 27¼ by 27½ in. 註:一九八一年秋,宋文治與亞明聯袂赴港,往訪佘氏家中,興起作
HK$ 80,000-120,000 畫,故題「於香港清音閣」。上款「保成」,即香港麻醉科名醫周保成
(1926-2016),佘玅枝夫婿。編號 1321 之亞明〈江畔思歸〉即同時寫贈
104 SOTHEBY’S 周保成、佘玅枝伉儷。