Page 107 - Sotheby's October 2 2017 Modern Chinese Paintings
P. 107


1321                                                                                                                      1323

YA MING (1924-2002)                                                      款識:
Scholar Musing at the Riverside
ink and colour on paper, framed
signed YA MING, dated 1981, inscribed, and one seal of the artist        1323
69.5 by 69.2 cm. 27⅜ by 27¼ in.
                                                                         LIN SANZHI (1898-1989)
HK$ 40,000-60,000
                                                                         Poem in Caoshu
亞明 江畔思歸
                                                                         ink on paper, framed
設色紙本 鏡框 一九八一年作                                                           signed SANZHI, and with two seals of the artist
                                                                         99 by 34.8 cm. 39 by 13¾ in.
保成、玅枝伉儷雅教。辛酉年秋月戲墨急就於香港。亞明。                                               HK$ 50,000-70,000

鈐印:「亞明畫印」。                                                               林散之 草書七絶

1322                                                                     水墨紙本 鏡框

WEI ZIXI (1915-2002)                                                     款識:
Journey to the Mountains                                                 綠陰不減來時路,添得黃鸝四五聲。曾茶山七絕一首。散之。

ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll                                  鈐印:「大年」、「林散之印」。
signed WEI ZIXI, dated 1975, and with two seals of the artist
68.5 by 46 cm. 27 by 18⅛ in.

HK$ 40,000-60,000

魏紫熙 泉谷勘探

設色紙本 立軸 一九七五年作
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