Page 170 - Sotheby's October 2 2017 Modern Chinese Paintings
P. 170

1416                                                                                                                                   1417

1416                                                                                                                                   陸儼少 黃山煙靄

SONG WENZHI (1918-1999)                                                                                                                設色紙本 立軸 一九七八年作

Mount Huang amidst the Clouds                                                                                                          款識:
ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll                                                                                                已逝,造化精英,非筆墨之所能攝取。一九七八年十二月。陸儼少寫。
signed WENZHI, dated 1980, titled, inscribed, and with four seals of the artist
67.5 by 44.6 cm. 26⅝ by 17½ in.                                                                                                        鈐印:「儼少」、「宛若」、「穆如館」。

HK$ 80,000-100,000                                                                                                                     來源:香港集古齋舊藏

宋文治 層嵐曉雲圖                                                                                                                              1418

設色紙本 立軸 一九八○年作                                                                                                                         FU BAOSHI ;(1904-1965) GUAN SHANYUE (1912-2000)

款識:                                                                                                                                    Scholars Appreciating Waterfall
寫黃岳北海之景。庚申六月於金陵。婁江文治。                                                                                                                  ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll
                                                                                                                                       signed FU BAOSHI and GUAN SHANYUE by Fu Baoshi, dated 1961, and with
鈐印:「宋灝之印」、「婁江文治」、「婁東人」、「八十年代」。                                                                                                         a dedication
                                                                                                                                       136 by 68 cm. 53½ by 26¾ in.
                                                                                                                                       HK$ 3,800,000-4,800,000
                                                                                                                                       傅抱石、關山月  觀瀑圖
LU YANSHAO (1909-1993)
                                                                                                                                       設色紙本  立軸  一九六一年作
Misty Clouds in Mount Huang
ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll                                                                                                一九六一年八月八日寫奉鞍鋼工人同志惠賞,並希指教。傅抱石、關
signed LU YANSHAO, dated 1978, inscribed, and with three seals of the artist                                                           山月記。
67.8 by 44.2 cm. 26¾ by 17⅜ in.

HK$ 600,000-800,000

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