Page 24 - Sotheby's October 2 2017 Modern Chinese Paintings
P. 24


 1214                                                                       1215

 PU RU (1896-1963)                                                          JIANG HANTING (1903-1963)

 Herding in Autumn                                                          Perching by the Daylily

 ink and colour on paper, folding fan                                       ink and colour on paper, folding fan
 signed XINYU, inscribed, and with four seals of the artist. The reverse,   signed HANTING, dated 1950, and with one seal of the artist. The reverse,
 calligraphy by YE GONGCHUO                                                 calligraphy in Xingshu by Liu Maodi
 19.8 by 51.5 cm. 7¾ by 20¼ in.                                             18.5 by 44 cm. 7¼ by 17¼ in.

 HK$ 120,000-150,000                                                        HK$ 50,000-70,000

 溥儒  秋牧                                                                     江寒汀  萱花秋禽

 設色紙本  成扇                                                                   設色紙本  成扇  一九五○年作
 葉恭綽  行書                                                                    劉卯棣  行書

 款識:                                                                        款識:
〈畫〉  秋天斂餘照,眾木青不已。溪上寂無人,月印前村水。心畬。                                            庚寅五月,寒汀作於海上荻舫。
〈書〉  (節錄〈道德經〉,文略)遐翁。
 鈐印:〈溥〉  「溥儒之印」、「心畬」、「垂虹」、「江天水墨秋光晚」。
 	 〈葉〉  「遐翁」。                                                               1216

              另面葉恭綽行書                                                       TAO LENGYUE (1895-1985)

22 SOTHEBY’S                                                                Plantain Leaves and Bamboo

                                                                            ink on paper, folding fan
                                                                            signed TAO LENGYUE, inscribed, with a dedication, and three seals of the
                                                                            artist. The reverse, calligraphy in Kaishu by Pang Guojun
                                                                            18.5 by 43.5 cm. 7¼ by 17 in.

                                                                            HK$ 50,000-70,000

                                                                            陶冷月  芳心任卷舒

                                                                            水墨紙本  成扇
                                                                            龐國鈞  楷書

                                                                           〈畫〉	 一 葉芳心任卷舒,客愁鄉夢待何如。平生枉用藤溪紙,綠玉窗

                                                                            	 紫 嵐先生雅屬。宏齋陶冷月寫於海上風雨廔。
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