Page 95 - Sotheby's October 2 2017 Modern Chinese Paintings
P. 95

1304                                                                      1305

 ink on paper, framed                                                                                                    款識:
 signed LIN YUTANG, dated 1968, with a dedication, and one seal of the artist                                            過湖渡海幾時休,那有桃源遂遠遊;
 33 by 48.8 cm. 13 by 19 in.                                                                                             行盡波濤三萬里,能同患難只孤舟。
 HK$ 80,000-120,000
 林語堂 行書東坡詞
 水墨紙本 鏡框 一九六八年作
                                                                                                                         HUANG JUNBI (1898-1991)
(錄蘇軾〈臨江仙〉詞一首,文略)質平我兄囑。戊申冬日。弟林語堂。                                                                                         Highway in the Mountains

 鈐印:「有不為齋」。                                                                                                              ink and colour on paper, framed
                                                                                                                         signed HUANG JUNBI, dated 1965, and with three seals of the artist
 1304                                                                                                                    120.3 by 57.2 cm. 47⅜ by 22½ in.

 HUANG JUNBI (1898-1991)                                                                                                 HK$ 240,000-350,000

 Boating Amid a Storm                                                                                                    黃君璧 橫貫公路

 ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll                                                                                 設色紙本 鏡框 一九六五年作
 signed HUANG JUNBI, inscribed, with a dedication, and three seals of the
 artist                                                                                                                  款識:
 89.7 by 40.5 cm. 35⅜ by 16 in.                                                                                          質平先生方家雅屬。乙巳夏日畫於白雲堂。黃君璧。

 HK$ 160,000-220,000                                                                                                     鈐印:「黃君璧印」、「君翁」、「白雲堂」。

 黃君璧 滄波萬里

 設色紙本 立軸
   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100