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P. 15


           QIAN WEICHENG’S

           OF TAISHAN

           YANG DANXIA

           Inheriting the artistic legacy of his forefathers   A verse line of his that celebrates the azure sky   commissioner. After that, he played a part in
           and driven by his own passion, Emperor   composed during a visit with his father to the   pacifying an insurrection of the Miao tribe.
           Qianlong devoted himself to connoisseurship   capital city made the then 17 year-old quite a
           and artistic creation especially in the genres of   sensation.             Learned and talented, Qian did not have to
           painting and calligraphy besides amassing an                               wait long to achieve recognition. Instead of
           imperial collection that was unprecedented in   When he was no more than 26, the young   being complacent, he was meticulous and
           scale. His reign has thus come to be regarded   Weicheng came first in the palace examination   conscientious when discharging his duties.
           as the golden era for Qing court art. At the time,   held in the 10  year of the Qianlong reign (1745)   When he was Education Commissioner of
           officials recruited through civil examinations   and was made a senior compiler. Upon release   Zhejiang, an area in no want of scholars but
           were effectively men of letters. Whether acting   from study three years later, he took up the post   where presentation took precedence over
                                                                 of Right Companion for   substance, he corrected the anomaly by
              Whether acting under imperial order or hoping      the Heir Apparent. This   condemning flamboyance and emphasizing
              to curry imperial favour when not attending to     was followed a year later   morality and thorough understanding of the
              official business, those who were accomplished     by his appointment to   classics. When working in the Ministry of Justice,
              in painting and calligraphy became the             the Southern Library   his legal conversance and shrewdness enabled
                                                                                      him to discerningly identify inconsistencies,
                                                                 as a literary attendant
              mainstays of court artists and often attended      and then to the Hanlin   however complex, and to propose proper
              imperial viewings on invitation. Among them,       Academy as Academician  rectification of the relevant laws. These proposals
              Qian Weicheng was particularly noteworthy.         Expositor-in-waiting   of his were sanctioned by the emperor without
                                                                 concurrently serving as   exception, putting many of his senior colleagues
           under imperial order or hoping to curry imperial   Imperial Diary Officer. He became concurrently   to shame. Take for example the embezzlement
           favour when not attending to official business,   Academician of the Grand Secretariat and Vice   case in Guizhou, which eventually gave rise to
           those who were accomplished in painting and   Minister of Rites in the 16  year of the Qianlong   as many as six cases, implicating hundreds of
           calligraphy became the mainstays of court   reign (1751) before serving as Vice Minister of   people and involving over 290,000 taels. Justly
           artists and often attended imperial viewings on   Works in the 22  year of the Qianlong reign   and impartially, Qian took great care in cross-
           invitation. Among them, Qian Weicheng was   (1757), Vice Minister of
           particularly noteworthy.             Justice in the 26  year
                                                of the Qianlong reign   The importance of ancient masters, great or
           Also known by his various courtesy and literary   (1761), and Education   otherwise, in the imperial collection is readily
           names, Qian Weicheng (1720-1772) came from   Commissioner of   acknowledged by Qian in an inscription in
           a literary family that was well established in the   Zhejiang in the 27    verse form, which also explicitly stresses the
           south of the city Wujin (present-day Changzhou,   year of the Qianlong   indispensability of calligraphic brushwork.
           Jiangsu) in the Jiangnan area. His literary   reign (1762). In the 34
           training started when he was small and he had   year of the Qianlong
           the chance of meeting preeminent litterateurs   reign (1769), he was assigned to co-preside   examining the offenders to establish the truth
           from all corners of the empire on account of his   over a case involving embezzlement by a   with hard evidences and was commended by
           grandfather and granduncles. Intelligent and   subprefectural magistrate in Guizhou and   Emperor Qianlong when the cases were settled
           diligent, he was able to compose regular poetry   another involving irregular practices for personal   beyond disputes.
           at the age of 10 and fu-poetry at the age of 12,   gains by a provincial governor and a surveillance
           not to mention well-written prose in ancient style.

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