Page 17 - Sothebys Fine Chinese paintings Hong Kong
P. 17

fig. 1
                                                                   Qian Weicheng, Overview
                                                                   of Qixia, ink and colour
                                                                   on paper, hanging scroll,
                                                                   National Palace Museum,
                                                                   no: 故-畫-003712-00000

           Considering that Qian was often present at the   collection. This contrasts with only 43 pieces   Park. Formally joining the Palace Museum in
           emperor’s frequent painting and calligraphic   or sets in the collection of various institutions   1953, Xu helped authenticate 3,217 pieces or
           viewings, there is no doubt that he benefited   elsewhere in Mainland China, according to   sets of paintings and calligraphies from various
           immensely from such access and established for   Illustrated Catalogue of Selected Works of Ancient  sources for subsequent acquisition. The most
           himself a distinctive personality marked by the   Chinese Painting and Calligraphy (Zhongguo   famous of them all are Wang Ximeng’s One
           elegance and crispness of his flowers and the   Gudai Shuhua Tumu). Works by Qian that came   Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains, Huang
           serenity and profundity of his landscapes.  up in auctions in the past two decades or so had   Gongwang’s Peaks in Clearing Snow and Wang
                                                actually been smuggled out of the Qing court   Hui’s Emperor Kangxi’s Inspection Tour to the
           In terms of purpose, Qian’s paintings and   by the last emperor Puyi and his brother. These   South (No. 12). Masterpieces by Qian Weicheng
           calligraphies can be broadly divided into two   include Yizhou Pavilion in Memory of Su Shi,   also came up such as Fruits from the Hui Tribe
           categories. The first is intended as gifts for   Flowers of the Four Seasons and Mount Yandang,   and A Special Rock, both of which are catalogued
           presentation to friends and relatives, such as a   all of which are included in Collected Treasures of   in Collected Treasures of the Stone Moat. The
           handscroll of a study and another painted for   the Stone Moat: Series Two (Shiqu Baoji Xubian),   paintings Ten Auspicious Landscapes of Taishan
           presentation to Shushen. The other category   as is the painting under discussion here.  and Flowers of the Four Seasons, the latter of
           comprises responses to imperial orders and                                 which was auctioned a few years ago, were once
           presentations to the emperor. Qian was a                                   in the inventory of the predecessor of the State
           favourite painter of Emperor Qianlong and                                  Administration of Cultural Heritage and should
           many of his paintings were made in response   It can therefore be assumed that   have been viewed and documented by Yang
           to imperial orders whether as wallpaper for   the painting was made during   Renkai and others pending authentication by
           palaces such as A Stream within Earshot or as   or shortly after Qian’s tenure   the Round City experts. It is possible that the
           visual records like The Mountain Resort in Snow,   as Education Commissioner of   paintings were neither donations nor confiscated
           Overview of Qixia (fig. 1) and Quelling of the   Zhejiang between 1763 and 1765.  properties but rather items for sale from art
           Dzungars. According to the author’s incomplete                             dealers. Since joint state-private ownership was
           count, there are more than 200 poems inscribed                             not in force then, the art dealers were free to
           by Emperor Qianlong on Qian’s paintings, the   According to documentation by the experts   back off if they found the offer unattractive. For
           earliest dated the 15  year of his reign (1750) and  Chen Rentao and Yang Renkai, the painting Ten   reasons unknown, the paintings failed to enter
           the latest 10 years after the painter’s death. The   Auspicious Landscapes of Taishan was placed   the museum collection and were subsequently
           last of these inscriptions is imbued with sadness   in the safekeeping of the predecessor of the   sold and resold.
           and fully demonstrates how much the talented   State Administration of Cultural Heritage in
           artist who died in his prime was missed. 5  1949. The head at the time was Zheng Zhenduo,   Ten Auspicious Landscapes of Taishan is a
                                                who enlisted the assistance of the renowned   handscroll in colour on paper, measuring 33.7
           Owing to Qian’s early departure, the great   connoisseurs Zhang Heng and Xu Bangda to   cm long and 458 cm wide. Each portraying one
           majority of his works has remained in the   authenticate paintings, calligraphies and other   of the ten spectacular views of Mount Tiantai,
           collection of the imperial court. A survey   art objects to be acquired from art dealers as   the sectional paintings are similar in dimensions,
           conducted by the author has found that there are   well as donations and properties confiscated   ranging from 44.5 cm to 46.5 cm wide and are
           161 pieces or sets of paintings and calligraphies   from Jin Bosheng, Yue Bin and others in an   separated by a narrow colophon strip lightly
           including 82 fans in the Palace Museum   office specially set up in the Round City in Beihai   washed in indigo or juice green to accommodate

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