Page 36 - Sothebys Fine Chinese paintings Hong Kong
P. 36


           Qian Weicheng (1720-1772)                     錢維城 台山瑞景

           TEN AUSPICIOUS LANDSCAPES OF TAISHAN          設色紙本 手卷
           Ink and colour on paper, handscroll           款識:
           signed Qian Weicheng and with two seals of the artist.   臣錢維城恭繪並敬跋。鈐印:「臣錢維城」、「敬事」
           with ten poems by the Qianlong Emperor, dated jiawu,
           corresponding to 1774, and each with one to two seals of his   每段御題詩分鈐:「會心不遠」(二鈐)、「德充符」、「聊以觀
           with nine additional seals of the Qianlong Emperor including   生意」、「日監在茲」、「叢雲」、「比德」、「朗潤」、「研
           Shiqu baoji  (‘The Precious Collection of the Stone Canal   露」、「几暇怡情」、「得佳趣」、「齊物」、「德充符」、「
           Pavilion’) and two seals of the Xuantong Emperor, Puyi  務時敏」、「乾隆宸翰」

           33.7 by 458 cm; 13¼ by 180 in.
           LITERATURE                                    (乾隆帝)「樂壽堂鑑藏寶」、「石渠定鑑」、「寶笈重編」、
           1) Shiqu baoji xubian (‘Sequel to The Precious Collection of   「寧壽宮繼入石渠寶笈」、「石渠寶笈」、「乾隆御覽之寶」、
           the Stone Canal Pavilion’), Stored in Ningshou Gong (Palace   「乾隆鑑賞」、「三希堂精鑑璽」、「宜子孫」
           of Tranquil Longevity), no. 17.               (宣统帝)「宣統御覽之寶」、「無逸齋精鑑璽」
           2) Yuzhishi siji (‘Imperial Poems, vol. 4’), juan 18, pp.20-22.
           3) Shang Pu Jie shuhua mu (‘Treasures Bestowed to Pu Jie’),   著錄:
           p.9.                                          1) 《石渠寶笈續編》,第六十,寧壽宮藏十七,〈錢維城畫台山
           4) Chen Rentao, et al., Gugong yi shi shuhua mu jiaozhu   瑞景一卷〉,見薛永年、王連起主編,《石渠寶笈》,續編六,
           (‘Notes on Paintings and Calligraphy Lost from the Forbidden   故宮出版社,江西美術出版社,2014年,頁4250-4252
           City’), Hong Kong, 1956, p. 32.               2) 《御製詩四集》,卷十八,頁20-22,見《御製詩文全集》,
           5) Yang Renkai, Guobao chenfu lu : Gugong sanyi shuhua   第六冊,中國人民大學出版社,1993年,頁529-530
           jianwen kaolue (‘Record of the Vicissitudes of National   3)《賞溥傑書畫目》,頁9,見國立北平故宮博物院印行,《故
           Treasures: Investigation of the Dispersed and Lost   宮已佚書籍書畫目錄四種》,1934年
           Calligraphies and Paintings from the Former Palace that I have   4) 陳仁濤等校注,《故宮已佚書畫目校注》,香港,1956年,
           seen and Heard about’), Shanghai, 2007, p. 408.  5) 楊仁愷著,《國寶沉浮錄:故宮散佚書畫見聞考略》,上海,
           Qing Imperial Court Collection.               來源:
           Collection of Henry Puyi (1906-1967), last emperor of China.  清宮舊藏
           Private European collection, acquired by the grandfather of   宣統帝溥儀 (1906-1967)
           the present owner and thence by family descent.  歐洲私人收藏,得自現藏者之祖父,此後家族傳承
           HK$ 50,000,000-70,000,000
           US$ 6,400,000-8,960,000

                                                                                             Shiqu baoji xubian (‘Sequel
                                                                                             to The Precious Collection of
                                                                                             the Stone Canal Pavilion’),
                                                                                             Stored in Nongshou
                                                                                             Gong (Palace of Tranquil
                                                                                             Longevity ), no.17
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