Page 56 - Tabor Collection Christie's New York April 10 2019
P. 56

                                                                               A FAMILLE ROSE 'HUNDRED DEER' VASE
                                                                               PROBABLY 20TH CENTURY
                                                                               Of archaistic form, the full-bodied vase painted
                                                                               with a herd of deer, comprising bucks, does and
                                                                               their young with reddish-brown fur, spotted hide
                                                                               and dappled white coats, grazing, gamboling
                                                                               and resting in a lush landscape, amidst pine and
                                                                               peach trees, lingzhi, and a meandering stream
                                                                               fowing through blue-shaded rockwork from high
                                                                               mountains in the distance, the tapering sides set
                                                                               with a pair of deer head handles, apocryphal six-
                                                                               character puce Qianlong mark

                                                                               18½ in. (47 cm.) high


                                                                               A PAIR OF SPANIEL PUPPIES
                                                                               QIANLONG PERIOD (1736-1795)
                                                                               Seated in mirror image gazing upwards with open
                                                                               jaws, wearing bell-hung green collars, their coats
                                                                               picked out in iron-red fur markings with white
                                                                               patches, black noses and eyes
                                                                               6⅝ in. (16.8 cm.) high        (2)
                                                                               Anonymous sale; Christie's, New York, 21 January
                                                                               2009, lot 48.
                                                                               William R. Sargent, Chinese Porcelain in the Conde
                                                                               Collection, Madrid, 2014, pp. 194-195.


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