Page 53 - 2019 September 10th Sotheby's Important Chinese and Tibetan Buddhist Art, New York
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he present figure depicts Amitabha, also known as the
Buddha of Infinite Light, and the Western Buddha of the Five 阿彌陀佛,意為無量光佛,另名無量佛,在
T Tathagatas. In most depictions, the deity is seated cross- 大乘佛教信仰中,他是西方極樂世界的教
legged with his hands on the lap in the meditation pose, as seen in 主,密宗以其為五方佛之一。阿彌陀佛多
the present figure, with thumbs and fingers touching. This classic 呈結跏跌坐,結禪定印,如本尊一般。阿
representation of the most worshiped Buddha is undoubtedly the
most iconic of Chinese Buddhist images. 也最具代表性。即使是非佛教徒,也對「
Popular among followers in China as one of the most compassionate 阿彌陀佛具大慈悲心,為漢傳佛教淨土
figures in Buddhism, Amitabha is believed to reside in Sukhavati, 宗最常見的造像。阿彌陀佛常駐西方極樂
the Pure and Happy Land, a Buddhist paradise in the West. Meher 世界,又稱西方淨土,Meher McArthur 在
McArthur, in Reading Buddhist Art, London, 2002, p. 39, notes that 《Reading Buddhist Art》,倫敦,2002
‘according to the Sutra of the Pure and Happy Land, all mortals ,頁39,一書中提到,凡是阿彌陀佛信
can be reborn in the Pure Land if they worship Amitabha’. This 眾,且以通過念誦「南無阿彌陀佛」六
salvation aspect of Amitabha originates from a vow made while still a 字,皆得以於西方極樂世界轉生。阿彌
bodhisattva to save all beings if he himself could attain enlightenment. 陀佛在乘佛前的一個世間,為世饒王,
A related figure of slightly larger size, attributed to the Ming dynasty, 「願 我 成佛時 國中眾生亦復 如是。」
was sold at Christie’s London, 13th December 1982, lot 686. See two 參考一明代作例,尺寸較大,售於倫敦佳
similar figures sold in these rooms, 19th November 1986, lot 105; and 士得1982年12月13日,編號686。另見兩
the other, 6th November 1981, lot 48. 例,均售於紐約蘇富比,其一於1986年11