Page 56 - 2019 September 10th Sotheby's Important Chinese and Tibetan Buddhist Art, New York
P. 56
he present figure of Avalokiteshvara is superbly cast, notable
for the softly rendered facial features and elegant drapery that 此尊觀音鑄造工藝精細,面容和熙,身着
Thints at the body underneath. The bodhisattva holds a cup 天衣綢裙,體態優雅,右手持楊柳枝,左手
containing water or ambrosia in one hand and a willow branch or lotus 結定印持甘露瓶,代表消除眾病,無垢至
stem in the other, representing healing and purity respectively. 淨。
The deity is cast here in a sinicized style, evident through the rounded
fleshy face, feminine features, fuller figure, and cowl draped over the 明末至清初時期,直到銅鎏金佛造像受
tall chignon. This form of representation developed in the mid to late
Ming dynasty and continued into the early Qing, before gilt-bronzes 像可能與另一尊同樣為鴻禧美術館舊藏
generally adopted a more Tibeto-Chinese manner. This figure is part 的觀音坐像為一組,各自呈獻不同造型風
of a set possibly depicting different variations of Avalokiteshvara; its 格的觀音像,見《金銅佛造像圖錄》,台
mate was also formerly in the Chang Foundation Collection, illustrated 北,1993年,圖版44.
in Jintongfo zaoxiang tulu/Buddhist Images in Gilt Metal, Taipei, 1993, 另有一尊尺寸較小的觀音菩薩像,斷代十
pl. 44. 六或十七世紀,配相近法器及紋飾但蓮座
Compare a slightly smaller related figure of Avalokiteshvara 號340。亦見一尊明代例,手結禪定印,觀
attributed to the 16th/17th century, also with similar attributes and 音巾下阿彌陀佛像龕裝飾更為繁複,於香
ornamentation but missing its base, sold at Christie’s New York, 1st 港佳士得1997年9月29日售出,編號900。
December 1994, lot 340. Another, attributed to the Ming dynasty 再比一尊明代觀音像配蓮花座,售於紐約
and with the figure of Amitabha set in a more ornate niche under the 蘇富比1996年9月18日,編號143。見一尊
cowl and the hands in dhyana mudra, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 十六或十七世紀送子觀音像,於台北國立
29th September 1997, lot 900. See another Ming dynasty figure of 故宮博物院展出,收錄《歷代金銅佛造像
Avalokiteshvara on a lotus pedestal raised on plinth, sold in these 特展圖錄》,國立故宮博物院,台北,1996
rooms, 18th September 1996, lot 143. For a 16th/17th century example 年,編號23。再見一尊順治例,配蓮花座,
cast as Songzi Guanyin, see one included in the exhibition Recently 1576,後再售於香港蘇富比2014年4月8
Acquired Gilt Bronze Buddhist Images, National Palace Museum, 日,編號88。
Taipei, 1996, cat. no. 23. Compare also a large Shunzhi-dated gilt-
bronze figure of the deity seated on a raised lotus base, sold at 見一 漆 金 觀 音 像 例,署 1 6 2 4 年 款,
大 都會藝 術 博 物 館 收 藏,紐約,錄
Christie’s Hong Kong, 29th May 2007, lot 1576, and again in our Hong Denise Patry Leidy 及Donna Strahan,
Kong rooms, 8th April 2014, lot 88.
《Wisdom Embodied: Chinese Buddhist
and Daoist Sculpture in The Metropolitan
For related gilt-lacquered examples of Avalokiteshvara, see a wood
Museum of Art》,紐約,2010年,圖版
figure dated 1624 in the collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, A64。另見一尊同樣為漆金觀音像,十七
New York and published in Denise Patry Leidy and Donna Strahan,
Wisdom Embodied: Chinese Buddhist and Daoist Sculpture in The 編號28。
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2010, pl. A64, and another
bronze figure attributed to the 17th century, sold in these rooms, 17th
October 2001, lot 28.