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P. 74
achen Kunga Nyingpo (1092-1158), was the son of the
founder of the Sakya monastery, and the third throne holder 薩千貢噶寧波(1092-1158年)乃薩迦寺
S of the Sakya tradition. He was considered an emanation 創始人之子,第三任薩迦法王,公認為觀
of Avalokiteshvara, and is commonly depicted with a lotus flower 音化身,造像多刻劃其左手高舉並持蓮
extending from the raised proper left hand, and a semi-bald head, 花,半髮,本像亦屬如此造型。參考一幅
as in the present example. A rare thangka portrait of Sachen Kunga 西藏中部鄂爾艾旺卻丹寺唐卡,署「薩千
Nyingpo, from Ngor Monastery, Central Tibet, inscribed with Béguin,《Dieux du Tibet》, 敘伊拉圖
dedication to ‘Sakyapa Kunga Nyingpo’ and attributed to circa 1600,
illustrated in Gilles Béguin, Dieux du Tibet, Suilly-la-Tour, 2018, p. 181, 年3月20日,編號238,髮型、手印、服飾及
and sold in these rooms 20th March 2013, lot 238, shows the Sakya 蓮花與本品相近。此外另可比較三銅像作
patriarch with the same characteristic hair, mudra, garments, and 例,斷代十五至十六世紀,圖載於Donald
lotus flower. Three related copper alloy figures attributed to the Dinwiddie,《Portraits of the Masters》,
15th-16th centuries are illustrated in Donald Dinwiddie, Portraits of 芝加哥,2003年,圖版60至62。
the Masters, Chicago, 2003, pls 60-62. 薩千乃薩迦祖師,對薩迦派之勝樂金剛教
This titan of the Sakya tradition was a scholar whose work contributed 獻良多。 仙通秋巴口授道果法予薩千,後
profoundly to the school’s teachings of Cakrasamvara and of the 者將此法融入薩迦派教義,道果法因此成
Lamdre ‘Path with the Result’ instruction. Under the tutelage of Lama 為薩迦派教義重要部份,薩千著作極豐,
Shangton Chobar, Sachen Kunga Nyingpo received the Lamdre oral 其幫助信眾學法之成就備受推崇,畢生致
instructions and integrated this practice into the Sakya tradition. 力學佛,潛心修行,宏揚教義,弟子包括其
Henceforth the Lamdre teachings have become a Sakya hallmark 子索南孜摩及扎巴堅贊,後來成為薩迦派
and specialization. Sachen also wrote many well-known treatises 二祖及三祖。
and commentaries on Sakya lineage texts, and was celebrated for
his accomplishments in learning and realization. He devoted his life
to study, intensive meditation retreats, and the transmission of the
tantrayana teachings to his many worthy disciples, including his sons
Sonam Tsemo and Drakpa Gyaltsen, who would become the next
generation of Sakya patriarchs and tridzins.