Page 116 - Sotheby's Qianlong Calligraphy Oct. 3, 2018
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fig. 1
Qing Gaozong yuzhi shiwen quanji [Anthology of impe-
rial Qianlong poems and text], Yuzhi shi wu ji [Imperial
poetry, vol. 5], juan 77, p. 18
Jingyi Garden amid Fragrant Hills, the Qingyi Garden (the attitude. Naturally, he could not forget that this attitude always
forerunner of the Summer Palace) at Longevity Hill, and the traced back to his grandfather the Kangxi Emperor and his
Rehe Mountain Summer Retreat. This state of affairs reflects Hall of Diligent Government in the West Garden. This can
a great difference between the function of imperial gardens seen in such quotes as the following: “Imperial gardens and
during the Qing dynasty and their function during previous mountain summer retreats each had a hall named the Hall
dynasties. The Qing dynasty stressed carrying out daily official of Diligent Government. Several classical instances of good
duties and performing important ceremonies in the capacity government were realised through the imperial ancestor’s
of relaxing at imperial gardens. Consequently, the important tablet and brilliant couplets written on the columns. Dare I not
imperial gardens each had a place for the emperor to manage command Heaven’s will; dare I not be concerned about the
government affairs, and each of these places was, as a rule, people’s livelihood? Those who heed my words will see that
called the Hall of Diligent Government. One can even say that good government depends on respect and sincerity.” “The
there is an intimate connection between the Hall of Diligent inscription for the tablet for this place [the Hall of Diligent
Government and the philosophy of government of the Qing Government in the West Garden] was provided by the imperial
emperors. One can even elevate this philosophy into a family ancestor. The places for conducting government at Yuanming
tradition-a point fully realised by the Qianlong Emperor (fig. Yuan, the Qingyi Garden at Longevity Hill, the Jingyi Garden
2). at Fragrant Hills, and the Mountain Summer Retreat are each
named the Hall of Diligent Government. And several classical
In 1745 work began on a hall built in the palace compound of
the Jingyi Garden at Fragrant Hills as a place for the Emperor examples of good government were realised through this
to administer the government when in residence, and this hall practice.” From these words of the Qianlong Emperor, we
was finished in the next year. The Qianlong Emperor named can infer that in the eyes of the Qianlong Emperor, the Hall of
this hall the Hall of Diligent Government, the first building in Diligent Government in the West Garden was the source of the
an imperial garden that the Qianlong Emperor so named. spirit and conviction of the establishment of a Hall of Diligent
On the source of this name, the Qianlong Emperor said, “My Government in these other imperial gardens.
imperial ancestor [the Kangxi Emperor] called the slope of Not only that, through constant promotion by the Qianlong
Titai in the West Garden ‘Yingtai’ and there made a place for Emperor, the diligent-government philosophy, reflected in
escaping the summer heat and carrying out the affairs of the Halls of Diligent Government, eventually developed into
government, which he called the ‘Hall of Diligent Government.’ an imperial family tradition of the Qing dynasty: “The family
After considering the matter, I too am naming the place in tradition teaches diligent government. We dare not forget
the Yuanming Yuan where I take care of government affairs this, even for a moment.” “In accord with family tradition, the
the ‘Hall of Diligent Government.’ I have named this garden front hall at the Qingyi Garden too is called the Hall of Diligent
Jingyi (Garden of Tranquility and Pleasure), and I will build Government.” Even the inscription “diligent government”
more halls in the hills to receive ministers and bureaucrats became a part of the imperial family tradition: “The family
in order to save them the trouble of coming from afar and tradition of this dynasty is that at every inner hall for managing
climbing the hills. We can be industrious in the morning government matters, the tablet with the imperial inscription
and not tired at midday. This is just the type of government is constrained by tradition, so that this court’s aspiration may
sought by my imperial ancestor and me. With this name continue in the vein of the dynasty’s ardent aspiration. Hence,
and its implied message, we show and express this desire the inscription zhengda guangming (‘just and honorable’) has
in order to encourage ourselves.” It bears emphasising that been used for four generations, from the Shunzhi Emperor to
the name “Hall of Diligent Government” for the building in the present, and the inscription ‘Hall of Diligent Government’
the Jingyi Garden in the Fragrant Hills followed the precedent has been used for three generations, from the Kangxi Emperor
of the Kangxi and Yongzheng Emperors, that it followed the to the present, to copy on the front columns of buildings.
philosophy and practice of diligent government of these Every rule of this teaching, this behavior, is worthy of
emperors, and that it served as a sort of cautionary note to the reflection.” “My imperial ancestor wrote the inscription for the
Qianlong Emperor and those under him. For the next several Hall of Diligent Government in this place [the West Garden].
decades the Qianlong Emperor continued to strengthen this Upon consideration, I wrote the inscription for the Hall of