Page 117 - Sotheby's Qianlong Calligraphy Oct. 3, 2018
P. 117
fig. 2
Imperial ‘Qinzheng’ admonition, album, Qing dynasty,
Qianlong period, album
© Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei
清乾隆 御製勤政箴冊頁
© 台北國立故宮博物院藏品
Diligent Government in the Yuanming Yuan. For the halls at According to the Qing Palace Neiwufu Zaobanchu huoji dang
Qingyi Garden, Jingyi Garden, and the Mountain Summer (Crafts Archives of the Imperial Household Department
Retreat, I used the same inscription. For if the family tradition Workshop), “On the 29th day of the 5th month [of Qianlong
is passed on, even when I stay in these other places, I cannot 59 (26th June 1794)], the important Vice Director Da Sai and
forget it.” As a result of these efforts, “wherever the emperor the clerk Yan Xiang came and said, ‘Palace Eunuch E Luli
stayed, each place had a Hall of Diligent Government” (see delivered a jade piece.’ Attached to the jade was a note with
also a ‘Qinzheng qinxian’ tablet, inscribed by the Yongzheng the inscription Bishushanzhuang Qinzhengdian bao (‘Treasure
Emperor, fig. 3). of the Hall of Diligent Government in the Mountain Summer
Retreat’)”. Accompanying the jade was a box with a sliding
Though the inscription “Hall of Diligent Government” was part
of the imperial family tradition, among imperial seals there lid ornamented in gold. The two men transmitted the imperial
was some natural variation. Among the Yongzheng Emperor’s command, which was, ‘Send this to Suzhou and have the
seals, for example, are one with the inscription Qinzheng characters carved extra deeply according to the attached
Dian (‘Hall of Diligent Government’) and another with the inscription.’ On the 27th day of the second intercalary month,
inscription Qinzheng qinxian (‘Being diligent in government the jade piece, returned from Suzhou with its inscription
and favoring those with talent’). Yet during the reign of the carved, was presented to the Emperor. It was then delivered
Qianlong Emperor, as a result of his continuously promoting to Maoqin Hall for transport to Rehe.” Though this record
the aforementioned attitude of the Hall of Diligent Government mentions only the circumstances of the carving of the
and ideal of diligent government, seals related to the Hall Bishushanzhuang Qinzhengdian bao seal, because the style is
of Diligent Government achieved a level of development very similar to the present seal, we can infer that the present
previously lacking. The Qianlong Emperor intentionally seal was made during this same period, that is, around 1795,
had different seals carved for the different Halls of Diligent and that it was carved by the jade carvers of Suzhou.
Government and placed them in the appropriate halls. Not The seal inscription is finely carved. The blank spaces within
only was this the Emperor’s practice; these Hall of Diligent and around the characters are deep, and the sides of the
Government seals also bear witness to his philosophy of and character strokes go straight up and down, as if cut by a knife.
attitude toward government. Thus, the characters of the seal are carved fully in accord with
the Qianlong Emperor’s request that it be “carved extra deeply
According to the Qianlong baosou, during the Qianlong
years many large seals were made relating to the Halls according to the attached inscription.” The seal’s finial follows
of Diligent Government. In addition to the present seal, established practice: it is freely carved without marks or
Xiyuan Qinzhengdian Bao (‘Treasure of the Hall of Diligent traces remaining. Here one can see a bit of the consummate
Government in the West Garden’), there were Yuanmingyuan skill of the Suzhou jade carvers during the Qianlong period.
Qinzhengdian zhibao (‘Treasure of the Hall of Diligent The reason that the Qianlong Emperor had several seals
Government in the Yuanming Yuan’), Jingyiyuan Qinzhengdian carved for the different Halls of Diligent Government before
zhibao (‘Treasure of the Hall of Diligent Government in retiring and passing on the throne was clearly to encapsulate
the Jingyi Garden’), Wanshoushan Qinzhengdian zhibao for himself the lesson of diligent government, as well as to
(‘Treasure of the Hall of Diligent Government on Longevity pass this lesson on to succeeding generations. And among the
Hill’), and Bishushanzhuang Qinzhengdian bao (‘Treasure Hall of Diligent Government seals, that for the West Garden
of the Hall of Diligent Government in the Mountain Summer Hall of Diligent Government, up for auction by Sotheby’s Hong
Retreat’). By analysing the style of the seal script, the layout Kong, is important; its value should speak for itself.
of characters and related matters, we can determine that all Unfortunately, the Hall of Diligent Government in the West
of these Hall of Diligent Government seals were made during Garden no longer exists, but to see this West Garden Hall of
the same period of time. From the work records of the Qing Diligent Government seal, a symbol of former palace buildings
Palace Workshop, we can determine the date of manufacture offered at auction, gives one a profound sense of the vast
more precisely.
changes wrought in China.