Page 144 - Irving Collection Part II Chinese Art
P. 144

              L A C Q U E R  •  J A D E  •  B R O N Z E  •  I N K  T H E R V I N G  C O L L E C T I O N  髹金飾玉 - 歐雲伉儷珍藏

      1190    FU BAOSHI (CHINA, 1904-1965)
              Celestial Woman                                       傅抱石 湘夫人 設色紙本 鏡框 一九六一年作

              Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and color on paper    題識:湘夫人。一九六一年十二月七日,傅抱石楊州并記。
              Entitled, inscribed, and signed, with two seals of the artist   鈐印:抱石私印、一九六一
              Dated 7 February, 1961
              19¿ x 22¡ in. (48.7 x 57 cm.)                         來源:
              $300,000-400,000                                      歐雲伉儷珍藏,編號1656。

              PROVENANCE                                             傅抱石的《湘夫人》源自於傳為戰國時期楚國詩人、政治家、屈原(約公元前
              The Irving Collection, no. 1656.                      343-278)所作的同名詩。原文由湘公的觀點出發,敘述他對不在身邊的
              The subject of Fu Baoshi’s Celestial Woman is rooted in the poem
              titled “Lady of the Xiang River,” attributed to the martyr statesman
              and poet Qu Yuan (c. 343 - 278 BCE). The text is a narration from the
              perspective of the Lord of the Xiang River, who longs for his beloved
              absent wife, the title character. After a long separation, the Lord waits
                                                                    現。傅抱石取材於這些感情寄託的對象成為他的畫中人。 傅抱石醉心於六朝人物
              with anticipation at their mutually agreed meeting place. To his
              disappointment, the Lady never appears at the appointed time and
              place, leaving him morose and confused.
              The original poem was written as lyrics for vocal performance, sung by a
              male performer. Themes of eternal love, star-crossed lovers’ promise to
              each other, longing from far away, and vicissitude reverberate throughout
              the narrative.  Fu Baoshi takes the recipient of all these expressions and
              makes her his subject. An admirer of the painting characteristics of the Six
              Dynasties, Fu rendered the Lady of the Xiang River as a graceful female
              standing in the midst of falling leaves. Her garment and wrap are futtering
              in the wind. With a wistful expression, she turns around and gazes into
              the distance, perhaps looking in the direction of her beloved husband with
              whom she is unable to reunite. Fu Baoshi fully captures the sentiment of
              the moment, giving us an ideal visualization of the legendary Lady of the
              Xiang River.

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