Page 108 - Fine Chinese Works of Art Bonhams Hong Kong May 2018
P. 108

           18th/19th century
           Superbly carved in openwork as a fishing boat riding across whirling
           waves, with a finely detailed awning at the stern enclosing a fisherman
           with a fishing net next to another figure brewing tea, two other figures
           and a dog seated on the upper level around a small basin, the bow
           depicted with a sage and a boy, the top and one side of the boat
           attached with a mast, the translucent stone of an even white tone,
           wood stand.
           19.5cm (7 3/4in) long (2).

           HK$200,000 - 300,000
           US$25,000 - 38,000

           十八/十九世紀 白玉雕漁樂烹茶圖船形擺件

           A distinguished European private collection, acquired by the
           grandparents of the present owner and thence by descent


           This subject matter features prominently in a wide range of mediums   白玉偏青,玉質瑩潤剔透,表面拋光打磨均勻。取整塊玉料精雕一方
           from paintings to works of art and porcelain, often associated with river  舟,船頭圓雕一老者及一童子,老者手撫長須,指示前方,小童一腳
           and lakeside vistas, invoking the idyllic nature retreat the literati would   搭於船錨,身體傾斜,極為生動。長方形船艙上座兩人及一小犬,船
           aspire to retire to. Fishermen also represent one of the ‘Four Noble   尾遮蓬下雕兩婦人,一以小桶於江中取水,另一人正在烹茶,生動細
           Occupations’ comprising the Chinese four-layered traditional society   膩,頗有意趣。
           (also including the woodcutter, farmer and scholar). The elaborate
           detail of the present sampan vividly captures traditional everyday   此類漁樂題材的玉雕生動逼真,工匠能夠結合現實願望及藝術表達,
           activities on the fishing boat and is remarkable for the lively rendering   用以表達百姓充盈富足生活的願望,為不可多得的玉雕珍品。見北
           of each figure.                                   京故宮博物院藏清代玉船一例,著錄於《故宮博物院藏品大系:玉
           See a related pale green jade boat, Qing dynasty, from the Qing   代青玉雕玉船,其形制、打磨和拋光與此船類似(博物館編號:故玉
           Court Collection, illustrated in Compendium of Collections in the   003359)。西雅圖藝術博物館藏一件十八世紀玉雕漁婦圖船形擺件,
           Palace Museum: Jade 8 Qing Dynasty, Beijing, 2010, no.125. See   著錄於屈志仁,《Chinese Jades from the Collection of the Seattle Art
           also another related white jade carving of a sampan with a similar   Museum》,西雅圖,1989年,圖64。另見香港敏求精舍熙樨收藏一
           glossy polishing, in the National Palace Museum, Taipei (museum   例,著錄於《博古存珍:敏求精舍金禧紀年展》,香港,2010年,
           no. GUYU003359). Compare also a further example, 18th century,   圖221。
           illustrated by J.C.Y.Watt, Chinese Jades from the Collection of the
           Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, 1989, no.64; and another carving of a   蘇富比倫敦曾售出一例類似的十八世紀青玉雕船,2013年11月6日,
           sampan, from the Hei-Chi Collection, illustrated in The Grandeur of   拍品編號359。
           Chinese Art Treasures: Min Chiu Society Golden Jubilee Exhibition,
           Hong Kong, 2010, no.221.

           Compare a related celadon jade boat, 18th century, which was sold at
           Sotheby’s London, 6 November 2013, lot 359.

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