Page 14 - Fine Chinese Works of Art Bonhams Hong Kong May 2018
P. 14

The present cong displays the distinctive characteristic of Liangzhu   矮方柱形,外方內圓。外表分為兩節,每節以四角為中線,上下節合
           culture cong vessels, with a square outer section around a circular   成一組帶冠神人獸面紋,全器共四組。上節在兩條平行的凸橫棱下,
           inner part and decorated with stylised masks neatly arranged on   雕刻一人面,以線刻重圈為眼,下方以凸橫檔作鼻,上刻細密雲紋和
           each of the four corners. The exceptional craftsmanship is particularly   橫直線組成的飾帶。下節雕一獸面,以橋形凸面作額,以橢圓形凸面
           notable in the very delicate and precise quality of the carving and   作眼瞼,中間以線刻重圈為眼,以凸橫檔作鼻,上刻細密雲紋和橫直
           incised decoration, enhanced by the lustrous patina formed on the   線組成的飾帶。整器製作規整,雕琢精緻,拋光細膩,極為難得。
           surface over time.
           One interpretation of the function of cong is that it symbolised the   及用途眾說紛紜,但從出土墓葬中所發現玉琮之數量足以顯示玉琮在
           earth. Although the precise meaning and use of the cong is not entirely  良渚文化玉器中的特殊地位。目前大多數學者認同玉琮是和某種神袛
           clear, it was found in extensive numbers in Liangzhu tombs and is   崇拜有關的禮儀用玉。
           believed to be of great significance.
           Compare a similar jade cong, Liangzhu culture, also carved with two   市文物管理委員會,著錄於《良渚文化玉器》,香港,1989年,頁17
           registers of stylised human and animal masks excavated in 1984   ,圖版19。另參考一件玉琮,曾出展於《歷代文物萃珍:敏求精舍三
           from Fuquanshan in Qingpu County, Shanghai, now in the Shanghai   十週年紀念展》,香港,1990年,圖錄編號195。
           Administrative Committee of Culture Heritage, illustrated in Liangzhu
           wenhua yuqi, Hong Kong, 1989, p.17, pl.19. See another related
           example of a jade cong, included in the Min Chiu Society Thirtieth
           Anniversary Exhibition: Selected Treasures of Chinese Art, Hong Kong,
           1990, no.195.

           Image after R.Keverne, ed., Jade, London, 1990, p.73, fig.39

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