Page 28 - Fine Chinese Works of Art Bonhams Hong Kong May 2018
P. 28

The Daoist Immortal figure with his hands swathed under the robe may  坐像頭戴九段式梁冠官帽,臉龐方圓飽滿,直鼻,雙目微合,面容寧
           represent Tianguan, the Heaven Office, one of the Three High Officials   靜,下腮長髯飄於胸前。著寬袍大袖,衣袖褶皺刻畫自然寫實,衣物
           of Daoism and sometimes identified as the ‘Star’ God of Happiness.   厚重感與造像莊嚴感並現,雖部分漆金已明顯脫落,但為明代道教造
           Daoism flourished in the Ming dynasty under Imperial patronage,   像中不可多得一例。
           especially under the Jiajing and Wanli emperors who were fervent
           supporters of Daoist practices.                   此尊漆金道教仙真坐像體量碩大,鑄造厚實,重量達近三十公斤,與
           Relatively small number of bronze figures are known to have survived   官帽樣式,與文昌帝君造像類似,然大部分文昌帝君造像均手持笏或
           of this large size and impressive weight. Compare a large bronze figure  如意,此尊造像雙手掩於衣袖內,此類形象更近似於道教中三官大帝
           of Mingzhen dadi, Ming dynasty, currently in the Ancient Bronze Shrine   之一的天官大帝。此尊造像所穿著長袍樣式多世襲宋代宮廷官服遺
           on the Wudang Mountains, illustrated by Zhang Jiyu, The Great Series   風,其九段梁冠式官帽及如意雲頭鞋皆為其在道教眾神中重要身份之
           of Daoist Immortal Statues, Beijing, 2012, p.361; compare another   象徵。
           similarly attired gilt-bronze figure of Tianguan, 16th century, which was
           sold at Christie’s New York, 20 March 2014, lot 1627; and a large gilt-  傳世品中,如此精良鑄造之大體量的道教銅造像非常少見,但湖北省
           lacquered bronze figure of a Daoist immortal, 17th century, which was   武當山金頂父母殿中供奉一尊明代明真大帝銅像,明真大帝為玄武真
           sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 30 November 2017, lot 442.   武大帝之父,其整體造型和衣冠細節均於本尊漆鎏金天官像類似,見

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