Page 106 - Bonhams Hong King May 30 2017 THE SONGZHUTANG COLLECTION OF EARLY JADES
P. 106
59 The present lot demonstrates the technical virtuosity accomplished by
A RARE WHITE AND RUSSET JADE CUP the master carver, superbly utlising the lustrous white and russet jade
Liao Dynasty stone.
The exquisitely carved thinly-walled cup of oval form supported on an
oval foot, the sides with two raised lobes with a stylised dragon handle These type of vessels appear to be a continuation of the Tang
to one side, the lustrous and translucent stone of milky-white tone dynasty, as demonstrated in the form of a pale green jade cup with a
suffused with attractive russet inclusions. single handle, illustrated in Compendium of Collections in the Palace
8.5cm (3 1/4in) wide Museum: Jade 5 Tang, Song, Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasties, Beijing,
2011, p.23, pl.2, which in turn are related to the Han dyansty ear cups,
HK$120,000 - 150,000 produced in jade, lacquer, glass and bronze; see Art and Imitation in
US$15,000 - 19,000 China, Hong Kong, 2006, pls.99-102.
Acquired in Hong Kong in 2008
The Songzhutang collection, no.76
Published and Illustrated:
T.Fok, The Splendour of Jade: The Songzhutang Collection of Jade,
Hong Kong, 2011, pl.76