P. 11
Jade is regarded as one of the most representative categories of the 玉器是最能代表中國傳統文化的精髓,古往今來君子常以玉比德,帝
essence of Chinese culture. It is also considered as a symbol of a 王視美玉如江山社稷。玉具有最悠久的歷史文化傳統,呈現多樣的
gentleman’s virtue, and some emperors treated a piece of beautiful 藝術風格及審美意識。十七歲時我便與玉器結下不解之緣,收藏的起
jade as important as its own country. Jade first caught my fancy 因是一位世伯送來了一個小玉件,一隻小貓趴在葉上,全器僅4.5厘
when, at the age of seventeen, an elderly friend presented me with 米,卻雕刻得栩栩如生,意趣盎然。它看起來像一塊白石而不似玉,
a small naturalistically carved cat lying on a leaf of 4.5cm in length. 因為我當時對玉的概念很模糊,以為「玉」應該是翠綠色的。後經友
Being ignorant of jade at the time, I was under the impression that 人指點才明白,綠色的玉石是翡翠,出現的時間比較晚,屬珠寶類的
jade should be green, and the gift appeared to be made of an 硬石。這件玉貓是和田玉,比翡翠具有更久遠的歷史和更豐富的文化
ordinary piece of stone with no significance. Later, however, I was 底蘊。而臥葉小貓的造型,在傳統中國文化中寓意深刻,意指「安心
enlightened by a friend that those green species are termed jadeite 守業」。
while those in white like the piece in question is called nephrite, and
both are jade. In fact, the nephrite carvings have enjoyed a longer 一件小小玉雕,背後有如此學問。從那時起,我對中國古玉開始產生
history than jadeite and have been a part of our culture. I further 濃厚興趣。起初,由於知識淺薄,財力不濟,僅入藏一些帶鉤和花類
learned that the configuration of the small cat on a leaf conveys the 小件。進而逐步有系統地收藏中國古玉,每有新獲,必小心清潔後隨
meaning of the traditional maxim, ‘Be assured of upholding your 身攜帶,時時拿出來觀賞摩挲,睡覺時亦愛不釋手。歷經多年寒暑,
possessions or profession’. 體會到其中無窮樂趣。這一路亦感恩不少令人尊敬的專家長者,如黎
As a result of this initial encounter, I began to take immense interest 淺的蘇芳淑教授等良師益友,與他們交往,幫助我豐富了對中國古玉
in nephrite carvings. With little knowledge and few resources at the 的認知。
start, I was only able to gather belt-hooks, decorative pieces and the
like. As time passed, I gradually turned to collecting archaic pieces in 我收藏玉器近五十年,每有古玉出現,便四處尋購,因而廣結四海朋
a systematic manner. Whenever acquisition was made, I would place 友。每一件藏品,背後都有一番經歷和獲得的喜悅。我有個幸福的
it in my pocket right after cleaning and would fondle it at times, even 家庭,當孩子們求學時不敢培養他們對文物的欣賞,擔心他們會沉迷
while I was in bed. 收藏學業不進。而今兒女長大,竟沒有一個繼承我對文物的興趣和愛
Throughout this long period of collecting, I have made no false 一代代保全下來。我們每一個收藏家,只是暫時的守護者,早晚我也
pretences; I have consistently derived substantial pleasure from 會將畢生的收藏託付給下一代。近年世界各地博物館多有古玉展覽陳
jade objects, and I am respectfully indebted to a number of senior 列,令更多的人明白中國玉文化內涵和藝術價值,不少收藏家開始關
specialists for their consistent yet unselfish guidance. It is my great 注中國古玉。我想,是時候把我的古玉藏品交接去同好同道者分享保
pleasure to list them here as Master Lai Loy (黎來師父), Mr. Tse Shiu 存了。
Bong (謝兆邦先生), Mr Lee Kin Koy (李健球先生), Mr Kam Shi (金時
先生), and Mr. Yip Kim Wing (葉劍榮先生); I am equally grateful for 松竹堂主人
teachings from Professor Jenny So (蘇淑芳教授) in the recent past. 2017年3月
My association with these mentors has truly enriched and fuelled my
quest for knowledge of jade.
During my long collecting career of over five decades, I often travelled
far and wide to acquire archaic jades and thus made friends from all
over the world. Every single acquisition in my collection has a history of
experience and joy. I have a very happy family; when my children were
still at school, I did not dare to cultivate their appreciation of Chinese
antiques, worrying that it would cause them indulged in collecting art
instead of focusing on study. Now that they have grown up, none of
them has inherited my interest in Chinese antiques, which is such a
pity! These valuable cultural relics preserved until now, encapsulate
the wisdom and dedication of our forefathers. Every single collector is
actually a temporary keeper, and sooner or later, I will have to pass my
collection onto the next generation of collectors. In recent years, there
have been more exhibitions of archaic jades in museums from all over
the world, which has enabled more people to understand the cultural
meaning and artistic value of jade, leading more collectors to pay
attention to archaic jades. I believe it is time to pass my collection onto
the next collectors who share the same interest.
The Master of Songzhutang
March 2017