Page 48 - Christie's Hong Kong May 31, 2017 Adorning The KIngs Jades
P. 48

2733 Continued                                                      fig. 1 Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing
                                                                                        圖一 北京故宮博物院藏品
    This unique jade bi disc is carved with a rare design, and
    although other Han period pierced discs are recorded, no other
    examples of similar design appears to have been published. The
    main decorative motif on the current disc is dragons, and two
    large ones and one small dragon are depicted. The largest dragon
    on the upper end side extends its head beyond the border of the
    disc to a flange above. The dragon at the lower side is carrying a
    winged man. This mythical creature is associated with longevity,
    and a very popular subject in the Han Dynasty. An example of
    the winged man riding on a dragon can be seen on one of the
    frescos from the tomb in Luoyang dated to the Xinmang period
    (9-23 AD). Compare also the jade carving of a winged man
    riding on a horse, excavated from the tomb of Emperor Yuan of
    Han Dynasty, illustrated in Zhongguo Yuqi Quanji 4 – Qin, Han,
    Nanbeichao, Hebei, 1993, p. 108, no. 147.

    Compare two pierced discs, one simply circular with two pairs
    of dragons and phoenix, made for the King of Nanyue and
    illustrated in Zhongguo Yuqi Quanji 4 – Qin, Han, Nanbeichao,
    Hebei, 1993, p 25 no. 32; the other, a flanged example in the
    Beijing Palace Museum collection, illustrated in Jadeware (I), The
    Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Hong
    Kong, 1995, p. 257, no. 215, also has two pairs of dragons and
    phoenixs - however one pair is carved inside the circular disc,
    while the other in the flange above (fig. 1).


    錄於《中國玉器全集 4 – 秦、漢》,河北,1993 年,頁 108,圖版
    147 號。

    著錄於《中國玉器全集 4 – 秦、漢》,河北,1993 年,頁 25,圖
    版 32 號;另一件是北京故宮博物院藏的一件出戟玉璧,同樣雕了兩
    藏文物珍品全集 – 玉器(上)》香港,1995 年,頁 257,215 號

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