Page 25 - Christie's Fine Chinese Qianlong's Bronze Auction September 13, 2018
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1   Ma Chengyuan, Ancient Chinese Bronzes (Oxford, Hong Kong, New York: Oxford   1  時學顏主編的馬承源著作《中國古代青銅器》英文版頁192 (牛津、香港、紐約:
          University Press), 1986, ed. Hsio-yen Shih, p. 192.  牛津大學出版社,1986)。
          2   For a discussion of this confusing nomenclature, see: Jessica Rawson, Western Zhou Ritual   2  關於名稱混淆之說,詳見羅森 (Jessica Rawson) 著作《Western Zhou Ritual
          Bronzes from the Arthur M. Sackler Collections, vol. IIB (Washington, DC: The Arthur M.   Bronzes from the Arthur M. Sackler Collections》卷IIB,頁454-459,編號
          Sackler Foundation, and Cambridge, MA: Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Harvard University),   59 (華盛頓特區:賽克勒基金會;麻省劍橋:哈佛大學賽克勒博物館,1990)。
          1990, pp. 454-459, no. 59.
                                                             3  其中一例可參見哈佛大學藝術博物館藏西周簋 (館藏號1944.57.1),曾發表
          3    For an example, see the Western Zhou gui in the collection of the Harvard Art Museums   於陳夢家著作《殷周靑銅器分類圖錄》編號A 219 (東京:汲古書屋,1977)
          (1944.57.1), published in Chen Mengjia, Yin Zhou Qingtongqi Fenlei Tulu (A Corpus   。另外,請見
          of Chinese Bronzes in American Collections) (Tokyo: Kyuko Shoin), 1977, A 219. 陳  object/203788?position=31。此外,可參照著名的作寶彝簋,此簋先後納入
          夢家, 殷周靑銅器分類圖錄 (東京: 汲古書屋), 1977, A 219. Also see: https://www.  希臘雅典H.E. A.J. Argyropoulos及奧地利維也納Julius Eberhardt珍藏;康蕊
 Also see the famous Zuo   君的德英雙語著作《Sammlung Julius Eberhardt: Frühe chinesiche Kunst
          Bao Yi Gui 作寳彜簋 formerly in the collection of Julius Eberhardt (of  Vienna, Austria)   / Collection Julius Eberhardt: Early Chinese Art》(香港:Magnum Ltd.
          and, before that, in the collection of H.E. A.J. Argyropoulos (of Athens, Greece): Regina   ,2004) 卷一頁96-97編號39,德文譯者為Stefan B. Polter;另可參照蘇富比
          Krahl, Sammlung Julius Eberhardt: Frühe chinesiche Kunst / Collection Julius Eberhardt: Early   《朱利思 • 艾伯哈特收藏重要中國古代青銅禮器》2013年9月17日的拍賣圖錄拍
          Chinese Art (Hong Kong: Magnum Ltd.), 2004, vol. 1, pp. 96-97, no. 39, translated by Stefan   品編號3 (紐約:蘇富比,2013)。
          B. Polter (bilingual, German and English); also see: Sotheby’s, New York, Magnifcent Ritual
                                                             4  Jessica Rawson,《The Bella and P.P. Chiu Collection of Ancient
          Bronzes, 17 September 2013, lot 3.
                                                             Chinese Bronzes》,香港,1988年,66頁,編號21。
          4  Jessica Rawson, The Bella and P.P. Chiu Collection of Ancient Chinese Bronzes (Hong Kong),
                                                             5  羅森著作《趙氏山海樓所藏古代青銅器》頁66,編號21 (香港:1988)。
          1988, p. 66, no. 21. 趙氏山海樓所藏古代青銅器 (香港), 1988, 66 頁, no. 21.
                                                             6  詳見:陳夢家著作《殷周青銅器分類圖錄》編號A230;林巳奈夫所撰《殷周
          5  See: Chen Mengjia, Yin Zhou Qingtongqi Fenlei Tulu, A 230; Hayashi, Minao, In Shu Jidai
                                                             時代靑銅器の硏究:殷周青銅器綜覽1》頁102,編號177 (東京:吉川弘文館,
          Seidoki no Kenkyu [Research on Shang and Zhou Bronzes] (Tokyo: Yoshikawa Kobunkan),
                                                             昭和59年[1984]);及羅森著作《Western Zhou Ritual Bronzes from the
          Showa 59 [1984], vol. 1, In Shu Seidoki Soran [A Compendium of Shang and Zhou Bronzes],
          p. 102, no. 177. 林巳奈夫, 殷周時代靑銅器の硏究 (東京: 吉川弘文館), 昭和59 [1984],   Arthur M. Sackler Collections》頁469,圖61.4。另可參見https://www.
          殷周靑銅器綜覽, 1, 102頁, no. 177; Jessica Rawson, Western Zhou Ritual Bronzes from the
          Arthur M. Sackler Collections, p. 469, fg. 61.4. Also see:  7  佳士得2003年7月7日《中國宮廷御製藝術精品:中國瓷器和工藝精品》拍賣圖錄
                                                             拍品編號624 (香港:佳士得,2003);林巳奈夫所撰《殷周時代靑銅器の硏究》卷
          6   See: Christie’s,  Hong Kong, The Imperial Sale: Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art,  7 July   一,頁108,編號235。
          2003, lot 624; Hayashi, Minao, In Shu Jidai Seidoki no Kenkyu, vol. 1, p. 108, no. 235. 林巳奈  8  陳佩芬著作《夏商周靑銅器研究:上海博物館藏品》第1版,第2編,頁86-87,
          夫, 殷周時代靑銅器の硏究, 1, 108頁, no. 235.
                                                             編號232 (上海:上海古籍出版社,2004)。
          7  See: Chen Peifen, Xia Shang Zhou Qingtongqi Yanjiu: Shanghai Bowuguan Cangpin (Research
                                                             9  林巳奈夫所撰《殷周時代靑銅器の硏究》卷一,頁109,編號237。
          on Bronzes from the Xia Shang and Zhou Dynasties: Collection of the Shanghai Museum
          (Shanghai: Shanghai Guji Chubanshe), 2004, 1st ed., vol. 4, pp. 86-87, no. 232. 陳佩芬. 夏商
                                                             10  林巳奈夫所撰《殷周時代靑銅器の硏究》卷一,頁119,編號305。
          周靑銅器研究: 上海博物館藏品 (上海: 上海古籍出版社), 2004, 第1版, 第2編 [v. 3-4],
          86-87頁, no. 232.                                   11  佳士得2012年3月22-23日《中國瓷器和工藝精品 (II)》拍賣圖錄拍品編號1507
          8  See: Hayashi, Minao, In Shu Jidai Seidoki no Kenkyu, vol. 1, p. 109, no. 237. 林巳奈夫, 殷周
          時代靑銅器の硏究, 1, 109頁, no. 237.                        12  佳士得2017年3月17日《中國瓷器和工藝精品》拍賣圖錄拍品編號1005
          9  See: Hayashi, Minao, In Shu Jidai Seidoki no Kenkyu, vol. 1, p. 119, no. 305. 林巳奈夫, 殷周
                                                             13  唐蕊君著作《Sammlung Julius Eberhardt: Frühe chinesiche Kunst /
          時代靑銅器の硏究, 1, 119頁, no. 305.
                                                             Collection Julius Eberhardt: Early Chinese Art》卷一,頁96-97,編號39;
          10  See: Christie’s, New York, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art (Part II), 22-23 March   以及蘇富比2013年9月17日《朱利思•艾伯哈特收藏重要中國古代青銅禮器》拍賣
          2012, lot 1507.                                    圖錄拍品編號3 (紐約:蘇富比,2013)。
          11  Christie’s, New York , Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, 17 March 2017,  lot 1005.  14  陳佩芬著作《夏商周靑銅器研究》第2編,頁84-85,編號231。
          12  See: Regina Krahl, Sammlung Julius Eberhardt: Frühe chinesiche Kunst / Collection Julius   15  關於仇焱之 (1910-1980年) 的資料,可參考https://www.freersackler.
          Eberhardt: Early Chinese Art, vol. 1, pp. 96-97, no. 39; also see: Sotheby’s, New York,。
          Magnifcent Ritual Bronzes, 17 September 2013, lot 3.  16  蘇富比曾於1980年11月25日、1980年12月16日及1981年5月19日在香港和倫
          13  See: Chen Peifen, Xia Shang Zhou Qingtongqi Yanjiu, vol. 4, pp. 84-85, no. 231. 陳佩芬.
                                                             Edward T. Chow Collection – Part Two: Early Chinese Ceramics and
          夏商周靑銅器研究, 第2編 [v. 3-4], 84-85頁, no. 231.
                                                             Ancient Bronzes》拍賣圖錄拍品編號338 (倫敦:蘇富比,1980)。
          14  For information on Edward T. Chow (1910–1980), see:
                                                             17  關於趙氏珍藏,請見羅森著作《趙氏山海樓所藏古代青銅器》(香港,1988)。
          15   The Edward T. Chow collection was dispersed by Sotheby’s through auctions in Hong
          Kong and London on 25 November 1980, 16 December 1980, and 19 May 1981. This
          gui vessel was sold at Sotheby’s, London, on 16 December 1980; see: Sotheby’s, London,
          The Edward T. Chow Collection – Part Two: Early Chinese Ceramics and Ancient Bronzes, 16
          December 1980, lot 338.
          16  For information on the Chiu collection, see: Jessica Rawson, The Bella and P.P. Chiu
          Collection of Ancient Chinese Bronzes (Hong Kong), 1988. 趙氏山海樓所藏古代青銅器
          (香港), 1988.
          17  For information on the Chiu collection, see: Jessica Rawson, The Bella and P.P. Chiu
          Collection of Ancient Chinese Bronzes (Hong Kong), 1988. 趙氏山海樓所藏古代青銅器
          (香港), 1988.
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