Page 41 - Collection of Maureen Pilkington Hong Kong April 2017
P. 41

This green-and-yellow dragon pattern is one of the classic          黃地綠彩龍紋乃正德瓷經典紋飾之一。永樂年間,景德鎮官窰瓷
designs of the Zhengde reign (1506-22). The colour scheme           匠嘗試新色釉配搭,黃地綠彩為其中之一。永樂及後歷朝官窰均
was among the first the Jingdezhen potters experimented             曾試燒黃地綠彩器,惟未曾成功。永樂御窰地層出土黃釉綠彩殘
with when the imperial kilns started to enlarge their range of      片,其中有盤及帶蓋小執壺各一件,均為黃地綠彩刻雲龍紋。
colours and designs in the Yongle period (1403-24). Although        宣、成二窰也有黃地綠彩瓷片出土,有陰刻,也有堆花者。正德
no surviving examples are known from that or the following          年間,黃地綠彩御瓷始較為常見。有關明初御窰遺址殘片發掘,
reigns and no successfully fired pieces may have left the kilns     可參考展覽圖錄《景德鎮出土明初官窰瓷器》,鴻禧美術館,台
at all, discarded samples of a dish and a small ewer and cover,     北,1996年,編號109及130;《景德鎮出土宣德官窰瓷器》,
both decorated with incised dragons and clouds in green on a        鴻禧美術館,台北,1998年,編號73;《成窰遺珍:景德鎮珠
yellow ground, have been recovered from the Yongle stratum          山出土成化官窰瓷器》,徐氏藝術館,香港,1993年,編號B20
of the waste heaps of the imperial kiln site; trials are equally    、B30。
known from the Xuande (1426-35) and Chenghua (1465-87)
periods, sometimes with the design incised, sometimes raised        Jessica Harrison-Hall 在《Ming Ceramics in the British
in slip relief, but the colour scheme only appears to have          Museum》錄一渣斗例,紋飾與此相若,倫敦,2001年,圖版
entered into regular production for the court in the Zhengde        8:32,並載同款黃地綠彩龍紋盤兩件及盌一件,圖版8:29至8:31
period; for earlier discarded experiments excavated at the          ,皆書四字正德年款。大維德爵士舊藏兩件近例,現存大英
kiln site see the exhibition catalogues Imperial Hongwu and         博物館,圖見 Margaret Medley,《The Chinese Potter》,
Yongle Porcelain Excavated at Jingdezhen, Chang Foundation,         牛津,1976年,圖154 (A 734),又見於 Margaret Medley,
Taipei, 1996, cat. nos 109 and 130; Jingdezhen chutu Ming           《Illustrated Catalogue of Ming Polychrome Wares》,大維德
Xuande guanyao ciqi/Xuande Imperial Porcelain Excavated at          中國藝術基金會,倫敦,1978年,編號33,圖版IV(PDF A 735
Jingdezhen, Chang Foundation, Taipei, 1998, cat. no. 73; and        ),Medley在書中頁20指,兩件渣斗稍有差異,稱 A 735 器
A Legacy of Chenghua: Imperial Porcelain of the Chenghua            身較厚重,黃釉色較深,綠彩滲入黃地。另有一相類渣斗,見
Reign Excavated from Zhushan, Jingdezhen, The Tsui                  John Ayers,《Chinese Ceramics in the Baur Collection》,
Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1993, cat. nos B 20 and B 30.             日內瓦,1999年,卷1,圖版70。紐約大都會藝術博物館收藏一
                                                                    例,刊錄於 Suzanne G. Valenstein,《The Herzman Collection
A zhadou of this design is published in Jessica Harrison-Hall,      of Chinese Ceramics》,紐約,1992年,圖版93。弗利爾美術
Ming Ceramics in the British Museum, London, 2001, pl. 8:32,        館又藏一例,曾展於《Ming Porcelains in the Freer Gallery of
together with two dishes and a bowl of matching green-and-          Art》,史密森學會,華盛頓,1953年,編號30。紐約蘇富比曾
yellow dragon design, pls 8:29-8:31, all with four-character        售一例,出自 Victor C. Novotny 收藏,1996年9月18日,編號
Zhengde reign marks; two similar vessels are in the Sir             189,又載於康蕊君,《玫茵堂中國陶瓷》,倫敦,1994-2010
Percival David Collection in the British Museum, illustrated in     年,卷4,編號1682。
Margaret Medley, The Chinese Potter, Oxford, 1976, fig. 154
(A 734), and Margaret Medley, Illustrated Catalogue of Ming
Polychrome Wares, Percival David Foundation of Chinese
Art, London, 1978, no. 33, pl. IV (PDF A 735); Medley notes,
ibid., 1978, p. 20, that the two jars differ slightly “in that the
body [of A 735] is thicker and heavier; the yellow is also
darker, and the green enamel has spilled over into the yellow
ground”; another example is illustrated in John Ayers, Chinese
Ceramics in the Baur Collection, Geneva, 1999, vol. 1, pl. 70;
one in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, is published
in Suzanne G. Valenstein, The Herzman Collection of Chinese
Ceramics, New York, 1992, pl. 93; one in the Freer Gallery was
included in the exhibition Ming Porcelains in the Freer Gallery
of Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 1953, cat.
no. 30; and one from the collection of Victor C. Novotny,
sold in our New York rooms, 18th September 1996, lot 189,
is published in Regina Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the
Meiyintang Collection, London, 1994-2010, vol. 4, no. 1682.

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