Page 46 - Collection of Maureen Pilkington Hong Kong April 2017
P. 46

This gardenia design, which is known from examples ranging           梔子花紋樣,始作於宣德一朝,及至嘉靖而終,有黃地青花、青
from the Xuande (1426-35) to the Jiajing (1522-66) period            花、白地褐彩各飾。正德年間,瓷匠推陳出新,此類紋飾風格邃
and was executed in blue-against-yellow, blue-and-white, and         變。正德梔子花紋盤,尺寸較前朝小,盤心紋飾團簇緊密,內壁
brown-and-white, underwent a distinct style change in the            折枝花果也有改動,梔子花紋正上方綴以折枝蓮紋而非石榴,而
Zhengde reign (1506-21). Dishes of this pattern were then            海棠花則以壽桃紋代之。有別於前朝六字款,正德年款一般減為
produced also in smaller sizes than before, the central design       四字。試比較專場中一件弘治黃地青花梔子花紋盤(拍品編號2
was tightened, the arrangement of the surrounding branches           ),同出自琵金頓伉儷收藏,兩朝造瓷風格差異,明顯可見。
altered, with the lotus bouquet placed straight above the
gardenia branch, the crab apple replaced by the peach, and           北京故宮博物院藏一件正德年盤例,尺寸相近,可與本品成對,
the mark generally reduced from a six- to a four-character           錄於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系.青花釉裏紅(中)》,上
version – the prevalent imperial mark of the time. These             海,2000年,圖版233,同錄成化及弘治類例,圖版230及231
changes are very apparent when comparing the present dish            。大英博物館藏兩例,紋飾相同,其中一件尺寸相近,另一件稍
to the Hongzhi example (1488-1505) in this sale, also from the       小,見 Jessica Harrison-Hall,《Ming Ceramics in the British
collection of Roger and Maureen Pilkington, lot 2.                   Museum》,倫敦,2001年,圖版8:23及8:24。另見大英博物館
                                                                     大維德爵士舊藏一件較小盤例,載於 Soame Jenyns,《Ming
A companion dish of Zhengde mark and period, of similar              Pottery and Porcelain》,修訂版,倫敦,1988年,彩圖版H,
size, in the Palace Museum, Beijing, is illustrated in The           另載三件前朝黃地青花梔子花紋盤,圖版102-104。上海博物館
Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum.               又存一件正德類例,尺寸略小,紋飾相同,參考陸明華,《上海
Blue and White Porcelain with Underglazed Red, Shanghai,             博物館藏品研究大系:明代官窰瓷器》,上海,2007年,圖版
2000, vol. II, pl. 233, together with Chenghua (1465-87) and         1-41。東京戶栗美術館也有藏例,圖見藤岡了一、長谷部樂爾
Hongzhi versions, pls 230 and 231; two dishes of this design,        編,《世界陶瓷全集》,卷14:明,東京,1976年,彩圖版171
one of similar size, the other slightly smaller, are in the British  ,售於香港蘇富比2013年10月8日,編號213。
Museum, illustrated in Jessica Harrison-Hall, Ming Ceramics
in the British Museum, London, 2001, pls 8:23 and 8:24;              一件於北京出土的梔子花紋盤,尺寸罕有地碩大,書六字正
another somewhat smaller example in the Sir Percival David           德年款,現藏北京首都博物館,錄於《中國陶瓷全集》,上
Collection, now also in the British Museum, is illustrated in        海,1999-2000年, 卷13,圖版147。
Soame Jenyns, Ming Pottery and Porcelain, rev. ed., London,
1988, col. pl. H, together with three earlier blue-and-yellow
dishes of this design, pls 102-104; another smaller dish of this
design and reign mark in the Shanghai Museum is illustrated
in Lu Minghua, Shanghai Bowuguan cangpin yanjiu daxi/
Studies of the Shanghai Museum Collections : A Series of
Monographs. Mingdai guanyao ciqi [Ming imperial porcelain],
Shanghai, 2007, pl. 1-41; and one from the Toguri Museum
of Art, Tokyo, illustrated in Fujioka Ryoichi & Hasebe Gakuji,
eds, Sekai tōji zenshū/Ceramic Art of the World, vol. XIV:
Min/Ming Dynasty, Tokyo, 1976, col. pl. 171, was sold in these
rooms, 8th October 2013, lot 213.

An unusual larger dish of this design, with a six-character
Zhengde reign mark, excavated in Beijing and now in the
Capital Museum, Beijing, is illustrated in Zhongguo taoci
quanji [Complete series on Chinese ceramics], Shanghai,
1999-2000, vol. 13, pl. 147.

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