Page 27 - Jindezhen Porcelain Production of the 19th C. by Ellen Huang, Univ. San Diego 2008
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                        See Andre Gunder Frank, ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age (Berkeley:
                       University of California Press, 1998); Robert Finlay, “The Pilgrim Art: The Culture of
                       Porcelain in World History,” Journal of World History 9.2 (1998): 141-187.

                       7  Janet Gleeson, The Arcanum (New York: Warner Books, 2000).

                        In Joseph Needham and Rose Kerr, eds., Ceramic Technology, Science and Civilisation
                       in China (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 742-744.  See the references
                       to Gaspar da Cruz’s short notes on porcelain and their place of origin, remarks by Juan
                       Gonzalez de Mendoza, and short passages written by the German Jesuit, De Mandelslo in

                       9  Quoted in Mark Elvin, Pattern of the Chinese Past (London: Methuen, 1973), 285.

                         Pere D’Entrecolles’ excerpts were published in J.B. du Halde’s Description
                       Geographique de l’empire de la chine (1735) in Chapter 2, 188-9 and R. Brookes, The
                       General History of China (1736) Chapter 2, 312-319.  The letters were published along
                       with other letter reports written by Jesuits in the mission fields under the name Lettres
                       edifiantes et curieuses (Paris, 1717) in volume 7, 253; a second edition appeared in 1781.
                       A copy of Lettres are in the British Museum.  For the precise reference, see N. J. G.
                       Pounds, “The Discovery of China Clay,” The Economic History Review 1:1 (1948), 20-

                       11  Simeon Shaw,  Chemistry of Porcelain, Glass, and Pottery (London: Vos Nostrand,
                       1900[1837]), 399.  Stephen Bushell, Chinese Pottery and Porcelain (Oxford: Clarendon
                       Press, 1910),181-222.

                       12  See for example, the Ceramic Memoirs (Tao ji) as noted in the 1682 and 1742 editions
                       of the Fuliang county gazetteer in Needham and Kerr, Ceramic Technology (2004), 24,
                       fn.112 and Huang Zhimo 黄ॣᅼ, Xunmin tang congshu Ⴥઽੀᓉࣣ6 vols. (n.p.: Huang,

                         “Imperially Commissioned Pictures of Tilling and Weaving,” in Chinese Rare Books in
                       American Collections ed., Soren Edgren (New York: China Institute, 1984), 120-121.
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