Page 141 - Chinese Art Bonhams San Francisco December 18, 2017
P. 141

1040                                            1041

           1039                              1040                             1041
           PU RU (1896-1963)                 ZHANG SHUQI (1899-1956)          JU LIAN (1828-1904)
           Calligraphy in Cursive Script, 1963   Bird, Plum Blossoms and Stream   Two paintings of Flowers, Insects, and Rocks,
           Ink on paper, mounted for framing, dated   Ink and color on paper, mounted, framed and   1885
           kuimao er yue (1963, second month) and   glazed, dedicated to Beishou and signed Zhang   Ink and color on silk, each mounted, framed
           signed Xinyu with two artist’s seals reading    Shuqi with one artist’s seal reading Shuqi.    and glazed, both dated yiyou qiu (1885,
           Pu Ru zhi yin and Xinyu han mo.   25 1/4 x 19 5/8in (64.2 x 49.8cm) sight  autumn), one dedicated to Jiechen, each
           20 7/8 x 42 1/2in (53 x 108cm)                                     signed Ju Lian or Geshan Qiaozi Guquan, and
                                             $4,000 - 6,000                   each with one artist’s seal reading Guquan or
           $6,000 - 7,500                                                     Guquan chang shou.
                                             Provenance                       12 3/4 x 22 3/8in (32.4 x 56.8cm) each
           溥儒 草書書法 設色紙本 鏡片 一九六三年作            private collection, San Francisco, acquired
                                             directly from the artist by the original owner   $5,000 - 7,000
           款識: 逍遙岡巒外,環溪幾處村。流沙翻白
           浪,跎岸思靑痕。[ ]澗瞻鶴樓,龍泉枕石根。            張書旂 翠鳥飄香 設色紙本 鏡框                 Provenance
           上方連風送,幽渺隔雲門。 癸夘二月錄舊                                                private collection, San Francisco
           作。心畬。                             款識: 北壽先生正之。 張書旂。
           鈐印: 溥儒之印、心畬翰墨                     鈐印: 書旂
                                                                              居廉 花石圖 設色絹本 鏡框两幅 一八八五年
                                             來源:                              作
                                             舊金山私人收藏, 原藏家得自畫家本人
                                                                              款識: 杰臣一兄大人鍳正。 乙酉秋九月居
                                                                              鈐印: 古泉長壽

                                                                              款識: 乙酉秋隔山樵子古泉作。
                                                                              鈐印: 古泉

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