Page 136 - Chinese Art Bonhams San Francisco December 18, 2017
P. 136

           ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)                          Provenance
           Bamboo and Plum Blossom, 1972                     acquired directly from the artist, thereafter by descent
           Ink and color on paper, framed and glazed, dated liu shi yi nian dong ri
           (1972, winter), dedicated to Daoshi wu xiong and Zhong Qi fu ren and   張大千 梅竹圖 設色紙本 鏡框 一九七二年作
           signed Yuan with four artist’s seals reading Zhang Daqian chang xing
           da ji you ri li, chun chang hao, renzi and Huanbi’an.   款識: 六十一年嵗[ ]冬日冩頌。 道師吾兄鐘頎夫人癸丑新春百福。
           26 x 13in (66 x 33cm)                             爰。
                                                             鈐印: 張大千長幸大吉又日利、春長好、壬子、環蓽盦
           $35,000 - 50,000
                                                             原藏家夏道師 (1923-2003) 直接得自畫家本人,後由其子女繼承

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