Page 134 - Chinese Art Bonhams San Francisco December 18, 2017
P. 134
Dr. Henry Tao-Sze Hsia (Xia Daoshi 夏道師, 1923-2003) was an 夏道師,美籍華人核工程專家,祖籍江蘇泰州,其父為民國時期名法
aerospace engineer and research scientist. Born to the prominent 學家及司法官員夏勤(1892-1950)。夏道師於1944年獲上海交通
Republic era legal scholar and adjudicator Xia Qin (夏勤, 1892-1950), 大學理學士學位。1947年赴美後,於1948年獲哈佛大學理科碩士學
Dr. Hsia obtained a Bachelor of Science degree at the National Chiao 位,1966年獲斯坦福大學博士學位。夏道師於1957年攜眷移居北加州
Tung University in Shanghai (now the Shanghai Jiaotong University 舊金山灣區後, 歷任於洛克希德導彈和航天公司,加州通用電氣公司
上海交通大學) before emigrating to the United States in 1947, and 等機構,擔任研究科學家、高級工程師或顧問等要職。主要著作有
subsequently obtained his Master’s and Ph.D at Harvard and Stanford 《火箭推進淺説》 (1968)。
Universities, respectively. After relocating with his family to the Northern 夏氏熱忱祖國文化藝術,開創舊金山華人表演藝術學會,曾任帕洛阿
California Bay Area in 1957, Dr. Hsia worked as an engineer and 爾托市美籍華人科學和文化協會理事,並設授中國語言、歷史課程,
consultant for such companies as Lockheed and General Electric. 致力推廣中國文化及歷史。夏道師與夫人鍾頎女士居美期間,結識多
In addition to his many scientific achievements documented in 張大千猶其交好,兩人同好中國傳統戲曲兿術,更特别酷愛京劇。
publications and patents, Dr. Hsia held a deep appreciation for Chinese 大千於上世紀七十年代初移居蒙特利後,道師屢屢帶同家人造訪環蓽
art and culture, and promoted Chinese culture by establishing a local 庵,並於同時期獲張大千相贈畫作。本輯精選之三幅大千作品均得自
Chinese Cultural Association and Chinese language school, as well as 夏氏家屬。
teaching Chinese history at the local community college. He led, and
was an active member of, the Bay Area Chinese Society of Performing Photo captions:
Arts. During his lifetime, Dr. Hsia and his wife Zhong Qi befriended and Dr. Henry Tao-Sze Hsia
hosted many prominent Chinese scholars and artists, most notably 夏道師博士
Zhang Daqian, Hu Shi, Yu Youren, and Hou Beiren. In the early 1970s,
Dr. Hsia and Zhang Daqian established a close acquaintance, the After a Peking Opera performance in the mid 1970s; Dr. Henry
two sharing a love of traditional Peking opera. It was during the Hsia Tao-Sze Hsia at far left, Zhang Daqian at third from the right
family’s visits to Zhang Daqian’s Monterey residence Huanbi’an when 京劇表演後合照,左一為夏道師,右三為張大千
Dr. Hsia was gifted paintings by Zhang. Dr. Hsia treasured his collection
of paintings and ceramics, and delighted in showing them to friends
and students alike. Selected paintings from the Henry Tao-Sze Hsia
collection are being offered by members of his family.
ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983) 張大千 落日泛舟圖 設色紙本 木框 一九七四年作
Boating Among Cliffs, 1974
Ink and color on paper, laid down on wood board, mounted and 款識: 落日西風野水湄,扁舟便有五湖思。素書未抵煙波遠,斜竹還
framed, inscribed with a poem, dated liu shi san nian jiayin er yue 抽獨繭絲。六十三年甲寅二月。道師吾兄鐘頎夫人儷教。大千張爰。
(1974, second month), dedicated to Daoshi wu xiong and Zhong Qi 鈐印: 環蓽盦、張爰之印、大千居士、一隻眼、三千大千
fu ren and signed Daqian Zhang Yuan, with five artist’s seals reading
Huanbi’an, Zhang Yuan zhi yin, Daqian Jushi, yizhiyan, and san qian 來源:
Daqian. 原藏家夏道師 (1923-2003) 直接得自畫家本人,後由其子女繼承
53 x 27 1/4in (134.6 x 69.2cm)
$200,000 - 300,000 From the Collection of Henry Tao-Sze Hsia (1923-2003)
acquired directly from the artist, thereafter by descent