Page 129 - Chinese Art Bonhams San Francisco December 18, 2017
P. 129

1016                                    1017                    1018

           1016                              1017                             1018
           ANONYMOUS (17TH/18TH CENTURY)     YU YOUREN (1879-1964)            HONGYI (1880-1942)
           A Large Painting of Vairocana     Calligraphy in Running Script    Calligraphy
           Ink and color on silk, mounted on a hanging   Ink on paper, hanging scroll, the text a    Ink on paper, mounted, framed and glazed,
           scroll, depicting the Buddha Vairocana seated   poem by Wang Wei (699-759), inscribed and   inscribed and signed Wenling Shamen Daxin
           in dhyanasana on an elaborately detailed red   dedicated to Longxiang xian sheng, signed    with one artist’s seal reading Hongyi.
           lotus throne, his hands in the uttarabodhi   Yu Youren with one artist’ seal reading Youren.  37 1/2 x 13 1/2in (95.3 x 34.3cm)
           mudra of perfection, wearing a gold-bordered   40 1/2 x 12 3/4in (102.8 x 32.4cm)
           blue outer robe decorated with floating
           mountains and against a mandorla of radiating                      $3,000 - 4,000
           light, all beneath a canopy topped with   $3,500 - 4,500
           flaming jewels and tied with bejeweled tassels,                    弘一 書法 水墨紙本 鏡框
           surrounded by multi-colored clouds.   Provenance
           55 1/2 x 27 3/4in (141 x 70.5cm)  in a Bay Area private collection since 1971   款識: 南無西方極樂世界,大慈大悲阿弥陀
           $8,000 - 12,000                                                    佛。願共諸眾生,同生極樂國。温陵沙門大
                                             于右任 行書書法 (王維 《終南山》) 水墨           心。
           無款 大日如來像 設色絹本 立軸                  紙本 立軸                            鈐印: 弘一

           Like the previous lot, this painting was likely   款識: 太乙近天都,連山接海隅。白雲迴
           created for a ‘Water-Land Assembly,’ an   望合,青靄入看無。分野中峰變,陰晴眾壑
           originally Tantric ritual described as a ‘plenary   殊。欲投人處宿,隔水問樵夫。龍翔先生。
           mass’ that became ‘an important part of the   于右任。王維詩。
           Buddhist establishment’s continuing and   鈐印: 右任
           remarkably successful effort to maintain its
           influence in the face of competition from   來源: 舊金山灣區私人收藏
           Daoism, Confucianism, and popular beliefs.
           ’ See Weidner et al, Latter Days of the Law:
           Images of Chinese Buddhism 850-1850
           (Honolulu: University of Hawaii, 1994), 280-281.
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