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This bowl is remarkable for its delicately painted floral   此盌妙繪團花,鬪彩粉粉二技並施,雅致悅目。鬪彩
           roundels in a novel combination of famille-rose enamels   之藝,成化創始,至雍正一朝,巧匠古為今用,志在
           and doucai palette. While inspired by doucai porcelain of   青出於藍,不論器形、敷彩,皆精益求精,細膩入
           the Chenghua period (1465-1487), this bowl was given a   微。參考江西景德鎮御窰遺址成化地層出土署款鬪彩
           fresh modern look through its dramatic flared shape and   盌兩件,團花之間同樣間綴卷草紋,圖見《明代成化
           the delicate enamelling of the flowers, which displays an
           exceptional attention to details. Two doucai bowls with   御窰瓷器:景德鎮御窰遺址出土與故宮博物院藏傳世
           Chenghua marks and of the period, painted with stylised   瓷器(下)》,北京,2016年,圖版155 及156。團紋
           floral roundels similarly separated by leafy scrolls, were   畫牡丹、夏荷、秋菊、冬梅,盡展四季之美。四季花
           recovered from the Chenghua strata at the site of the   卉圖案,宋朝初見,元代風行。
           imperial kiln factory in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, and
           illustrated in Imperial Porcelains from the Reign of Chenghua   北京故宮博物院藏相類盌,見《故宮珍藏康雍乾瓷器
           in the Ming Dynasty II, Beijing, 2016, pls 155 and 156.    圖錄》,香港,1989年,圖版31。堪薩斯城納爾遜.
           Each floral roundel on this piece is painted with the flowers   阿特金斯藝術博物館也藏一例,收錄在《世界陶磁
           of the four seasons – peony, lotus, chrysanthemum, and   全集》,卷12,東京,1956年,圖版64下方。玫茵堂
           prunus. This grouping first emerged in the Song dynasty   舊藏盌,也可資比較,圖見康蕊君,《玫茵堂中國
           (960-1279) and became a popular porcelain pattern from the   陶瓷》,倫敦,1994-2010,卷4,編號1747。英國杜
           Yuan period (1279-1368).
                                                     倫大學吉賓金藝術和考古博物館藏例,則見  Ireneus
           A closely related bowl in the Palace Museum, Beijing is   Laszlo Legeza,《A Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue
           illustrated in Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong. Qing Porcelain   of the Malcom Macdonald Collection of Chinese Art》,倫
           from the Palace Museum Collection, Hong Kong, 1989, pl.   敦,1972年,圖版CXXXIX。
           31; another in the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas
           City, is published in Sekai tōji zenshū/ Catalogue of World’s
           Ceramics, vol. 12, Tokyo, 1956, pl. 64 bottom; a third, in the   另參考只飾青花之例,如阿理文(Ernst  Ohlmer)舊
           Meiyintang collection, is illustrated in Regina Krahl, Chinese   藏雍正年製署款青花團花紋盌,現貯德國希爾德斯
           Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection, London, 1994-  海之姆羅埃默博物館,見韋斯納(Ulrich  Wiesner),
           2010, vol. IV, pt. II, no. 1747; and an additional example, in   《Chinesisches  Porzellan  [中國瓷器]》,美因茨,1981
           the Gulbenkian Museum of Oriental Art and Archaeology,   年,圖版45。
           University of Durham, is illustrated in Ireneus Laszlo Legeza,
           A Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue of the Malcom
           Macdonald Collection of Chinese Art, London, 1972, pl.
           This motif is also found painted in underglaze blue, such
           as a Yongzheng mark and period bowl from the Ernst
           Ohlmer collection, now in the Roemer Museum, Hildesheim,
           illustrated in Ulrich Wiesner, Chinesisches Porzellan, Mainz
           am Rhein, 1981, pl. 45.

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