Page 114 - 2019 October Important Chinese Art Sotheby's Hong Kong
P. 114


           A FINE AND RARE DOUCAI ‘BUTTERFLY’ DISH   清雍正    鬪彩蝶戀花盤
           MARK AND PERIOD OF YONGZHENG                      《大清雍正年製》款

           superbly potted with rounded sides rising from a straight
           foot to a flared rim, finely painted in vivid enamels within an   來源:
           underglaze-blue outline, the interior with a central medallion   Mary Jane Morgan 夫人(1885年卒)收藏,紐約
           enclosing butterflies of various patterns and designs in flight   《Catalogue of the Art Collection formed by the late Mrs.
           amidst scattered leafy sprigs of peony, orchid, camellia, pink,   Mary J. Morgan》,The American Art Galleries,紐
           peach, prunus and bamboo, the exterior similarly decorated   約,1886年3月8至15日,編號429
           with further butterflies and floral sprays, inscribed to the   倫敦佳士得1980年4月16日,編號104
           base with a six-character reign mark within a double circle
           20.9 cm, 8¼ in.                           日本私人收藏
           PROVENANCE                                香港佳士得2013年5月29日,編號2112
           Collection of Mrs Mary Jane Morgan (d. 1885), New York.
           Catalogue of the Art Collection formed by the late Mrs. Mary
           J. Morgan, The American Art Galleries, New York, 8th-15th
           March 1886, lot 429.
           Christie’s London, 16th April 1980, lot 104.
           A Japanese private collection.
           A European private collection formed in the 1980s and
           Christie’s Hong Kong, 29th May 2013, lot 2112.
           HK$ 2,800,000-3,800,000
           US$ 357,000-485,000


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