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           PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN                   金   木雕加彩釋迦牟尼佛坐像
           WOOD FIGURE OF SHAKYAMUNI BUDDHA          來源:
           JIN DYNASTY                               1994年入藏
           superbly and sensitively sculpted in the form of Shakyamuni
           Buddha seated in vajraparyankasana, portrayed with a   《佛雕之美─宋元木雕佛像精品展》,國立歷史博物
           sensuous full face accentuated with slender bow-shaped   館,台北,1997年,頁34-37
           eyes and hooded eyelids casting a meditative and powerful   出版:
           aura with downcast pupils, all below well-defined arched   《歷史文物月刊》,1997年,第7卷,第6期,封面及
           eyebrows flanking a central recess for an urna, the curved
           contours of the eyebrows juxtaposed with the prominent   封面內頁
           nose above softly and realistically delineated lips, all framed
           by neatly arranged rows of ringlet curls and a pair of long
           pendulous earlobes, the domed head further depicted with
           an ushnisha, the dignified and sublime figure rendered clad
           in long flowing robes subtly picked out in relief with floral
           borders, the voluminous drapery elegantly cascading in folds
           and baring the upper right torso, the reverse of the head
           and torso left with a rectangular aperture, traces of original
           polychrome pigments
           122 cm, 48 in.
           Acquired in 1994.
           The Splendour of Buddhist Statuaries. Chinese Buddhist
           Wooden Sculpture from Sung and Yuan Dynasties, National
           Museum of History, Taipei, 1997, pp. 34-37.
           Bulletin of the National Museum of History, 1997, vol. VII, no.
           6, cover and inside cover.
           HK$ 16,000,000-18,000,000
           US$ 2,040,000-2,300,000

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