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P. 224


           A RARE CLOISONNE ENAMEL SQUARE VASE,      清乾隆   掐絲琺瑯山水紋琮式瓶
           QING DYNASTY, QIANLONG PERIOD             來源:
                                                     Roger Keverne,倫敦
           the square-sectioned body rising from a splayed foot   歐洲私人收藏
           and surmounted by a tapered neck, each facet brightly   香港佳士得2013年5月29日,編號2075
           enamelled with a landscape scene, variously depicting tiered
           pavilions nestled amongst jagged cliffs and trees below   展覽:
           vaporous clouds, the foot and neck similarly decorated with   Roger Keverne,《Fine and Rare Chinese Works of Art
           stylised lotus scrolls against a turquoise ground, the borders   and Ceramics》,倫敦,2006年11月,編號78
           covered in gilt
           29.5 cm, 11⅝ in.

           Roger Keverne, London.
           A European private collection.
           Christie’s Hong Kong, 29th May 2013, lot 2075.

           Roger Keverne, Fine and Rare Chinese Works of Art and
           Ceramics, London, November 2006, no. 78.

           HK$ 420,000-500,000
           US$ 54,000-64,000

           This rare cloisonné enamel vase is in the form of a Neolithic
           jade cong, encapsulating the Qianlong emperor’s reverence
           for antiquity. Another closely related cloisonné vase of cong
           form, from the Qing court collection, preserved in the Palace
           Museum, Beijing,  similarly enamelled with pavilions in a
           swirling landscape, is illustrated in The Complete Collection
           of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Metal-bodied Enamel
           Ware, Hong Kong, 2002, pl. 145. Compare also two other
           cloisonné enamel cong vases, one sold at Sotheby’s London,
           14th November 1967, lot 46 and again at Christie’s Paris,
           21st/22nd June 2016, lot 285, from the collection of Drs
           Rosemary and Gordon Fryers; and another enamelled with
           the Eight Trigrams and five bats, sold at Christie’s Paris,
           10  September 2018, lot 77, from the collection of Juan de

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