Page 23 - 2019 October Important Chinese Art Sotheby's Hong Kong
P. 23

Exquisitely painted with the Eight Daoist Immortals dressed   The doucai style is ideally suited for rendering this scene
                             in billowing robes illustrated crossing the rough sea after   of the Eight Immortals. A perfect harmony of delicately
                             attending the Peach Festival of the Queen Mother of the   pencilled underglaze-blue lines with vivid blocks of iron red,
                             West, these bowls testify to the great developments in   yellow, green and aubergine endow the scene with a sense
                             porcelain production during the Yongzheng period. The   of ethereality which is fitting to the subject. Furthermore,
                             precision of the cobalt pencilled lines and shading captured   the doucai style, which was originally probably referred
                             on the robes of the immortals reveals the refinement of the   to as wucai, ‘five colours’, and the clouds surrounding
                             porcelain and the craftsmen’s mastery over techniques and   the immortals carry further symbolic meaning. ‘Rainbow-
                             materials as a direct result of the Emperor’s keen patronage.  coloured’ or five-coloured clouds (wuse yun) are considered
                                                                       highly auspicious portents of good omens. According to
                             Bowls of this type are rare and only four other pairs of   Therese Tse Bartholomew, in Hidden Meanings in Chinese
                             bowls are known: one pair was sold in these rooms, 20th   Art, San Francisco, 2006, p. 105, clouds (yun) are used as
                             November 1984, lot 501; another pair was sold at Christie’s
                             London, 4th December 1995, lot 153; the third pair was sold   a pun on the word ‘fortune’ and are considered benevolent
                             twice at Christie’s Hong Kong, 31st October 1994, lot 617,   because of their power to supply water. As seen on the
                                                                       present pair of bowls, auspicious rainbow-coloured clouds
                             and again, 29th May 2007, lot 1462; and the fourth pair from   are often depicted in lingzhi (longevity fungus) shape, and
                             the collection of Chutaro Nakano was sold at Christie’s Hong
                             Kong, 31st May 2010, lot 1876, and again in these rooms,   the lingzhi itself has the form of the wish-granting ruyi
                             7th October 2015, lot 3637. This motif is also known painted   (‘according to your wish’) sceptre. As Heir Apparent, the
                                                                       Yongzheng Emperor had himself portrayed in clay wearing
                             in underglaze blue only, such as a bowl, from the Agatha   a coat with five-coloured roundels over a cloud-decorated
                             and Irving Aronson collection, sold at Christie’s New York,
                             21st-22nd March 2013, lot 1473; and another, but the interior   robe.
                             roundel depicting Shoulao and his deer, from the collection   The clouds swirling between each Immortal indicates that
                             of Sir Harry Garner, illustrated in Soame Jenyns, Later   this scene illustrates the story whereby they combined
                             Chinese Porcelain, London, 1971, pl. LX.  their powers to sail past the tempest rather than travelling
                                                                       by their clouds. The proverb is a lesson on how individual
                             The polychrome (doucai) colour scheme, where the   strengths and gifts can together be used to tackle the same
                             outline is drawn in underglaze blue and filled with washes
                             of underglaze blue and four different overglaze enamels,   obstacle. This image grew in popularity after the Yongzheng
                             gained popularity with the Chenghua Emperor. The term   reign and was rendered in various different palettes; for
                                                                       example see a pair of Daoguang mark and period puce and
                             doucai, which refers to the interaction of the colours (cai),   underglaze blue decorated rounded bowls, from the Edward
                             is ambiguous since the term dou allows for the colours
                             to be characterised as clashing or matching. Terms such   T. Chow collection, sold in these rooms, 19th May 1981, lot
                             as ‘contrasting’, ‘contending’, ‘interlocking’, ‘joined’, and   530; and an exquisite pair of famille-rose decorated jars and
                                                                       covers, with Qianlong reign marks and of the period, sold
                             ‘dove-tailed’ have been suggested as translations, the most   twice at Christie’s Hong Kong, 31st March 1992, lot 656,
                             satisfactory rendering perhaps being ‘completion of colours’
                             as used by Fang Chaoying in his biographical entry on the   1st May 1995, lot 675, and again in our New York rooms,
                             Chenghua Emperor in Dictionary of Ming Biography 1368-  17th March 2009, lot 124. See also a doucai bowl of larger
                                                                       size and broader foot decorated with the Eight Immortals
                             1644, New York, 1976, p. 302.
                                                                       depicted in a landscape, sold in these rooms, 29th October
                                                                       1991, lot 208.

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