Page 27 - 2019 October Important Chinese Art Sotheby's Hong Kong
P. 27

Month cups depicting seasonal flowers accompanied by   此品應為二月花神盃,描繪一棵海棠樹,紅花盛
                             pertinent two-line poems represent a classic design of the   開,綠葉疏朗,下有青花畫小石灌叢。詩題:
                             Kangxi period. Very delicately potted, they are painted in   「清香和宿雨,佳色出晴烟」,書三行六字款。
                             the proper wucai palette of underglaze blue and overglaze
                             enamels, which was devised in the Ming dynasty, but rarely   花神盃,繪四時花卉,書題畫詩二句,乃康熙朝瓷作
                             used in the Qing, when the underglaze colour was generally
                             omitted. On these month cups the designs are generally   經典。五彩,自明有之,包括鈷青及釉上彩,至清
                             sketched on the unglazed porcelain in a faint underglaze   時,釉下彩料卻漸被忽略。康熙花神盃,坯冶精妙細
                             blue.                                     膩,皆先以釉下淡青在坯上起草勾勒,沿襲明風,巧
                             Slight differences in size, colours, writing styles and marks
                             between individual cups and different months suggest
                             that even these cups may not have been produced as sets   花神盃雖說成組,各盃在尺寸、顏色、書風和款識
                             of twelve, but perhaps issued consecutively, as the year   上,皆略有差異,別於其他月份之盃,暗示它們可
                             evolved, to be assembled at the end.      能並非成套生產,而是逐一燒造,最後才湊合成組。

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