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P. 90


           A SMALL INCISED CELADON-GLAZED DISH       明宣德    青釉暗花花口小盤
           MARK AND PERIOD OF XUANDE                         《大明宣德年製》款

           the shallow sides rising from a tapered wedge-shaped foot
           to a flared barbed rim, faintly incised to the interior with   來源:
           stylised lingzhi scrolls encircling a six-character reign mark   仇焱之(1910-1980年)收藏
           in underglaze blue, applied overall with a thick celadon glaze   香港蘇富比1981年5月19日,編號490
           of sea-green tone, save for the unglazed footring fired to   費德雷里克.奈特收藏
           buff-orange                               Weisbrod & Dy Ltd,紐約
           8.8 cm, 3½ in.
           PROVENANCE                                Michael B. Weisbrod,《Tenth Anniversary Selected
           Collection of Edward T. Chow (1910-1980).    Chinese Works of Art》, 紐約,1986年,編號48
           Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 19th May 1981, lot 490.
           Collection of Frederick Knight.
           Weisbrod & Dy Ltd, New York.
           Michael B. Weisbrod, Tenth Anniversary Selected Chinese
           Works of Art, New York, 1986, cat. no. 48.
           HK$ 150,000-200,000
           US$ 19,200-25,500

           During the early Ming period, the Longquan kilns appear to
           have worked closely with the imperial kilns at Jingdezhen,
           thus making wares of similar form and decoration, perhaps
           under imperial instruction. Other celadon-glazed dishes
           of this pronounced form, with underglaze-blue Xuande
           marks and of the period, decorated with incised flower
           scrolls, in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, included in
           the Museum’s exhibition Green-Longquan Celadon of the
           Ming Dynasty, Taipei, 2009, cat. no. 162. A pair, from the
           collection of Carl Kempe, illustrated in Kinesiska Keramiska
           Mästerverk. I urval från Ulricehamns Östasiatiska Museum,
           inkluderande Dr. Carl Kempes samling / Chinese Ceramic
           Treasures. A Selection from Ulricehamn East Asian Museum,
           including The Carl Kempe Collection, Ulricehamn, 2002, p.
           294, pl. 379.

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