Page 86 - 2019 October Important Chinese Art Sotheby's Hong Kong
P. 86


           A DINGYAO MOULDED ‘BOY’ DISH              宋至金   定窰白釉持蓮童子紋盤
           SONG – JIN DYNASTY
           well potted with rounded sides rising from a flat,   卡爾肯普博士(1884-1967年)
           countersunken base, finely moulded to the centre on the   倫敦蘇富比2008年5月14日,編號265
           interior with a boy clad in loose robes, his bald head turned
           to one side and his arms outstretched clasping onto a leafy   展覽:
           spray of lotus pod, his body curled amidst lush lotus blooms,   《Kinas kunst i svensk og dansk eje [瑞典及丹麥珍藏
           leaves, arrowheads and millet sprays, all enclosed within a   中國藝術品]》,Danske kunstindustrimuseum,哥本哈
           classic scroll band, the curved well decorated with a further   根,1950年,編號307
           foliate scroll below a key-fret border, covered overall in a
           creamy ivory glaze, the rim bound in copper  出版:
           17.2 cm, 6¾ in.                           Bo Gyllensvärd,《Chinese Ceramics in the Carl Kempe
                                                     Jan Wirgin,《Sung Ceramic Designs》,斯德哥爾
           Collection of Dr Carl Kempe (1884-1967).   摩,1970年,圖版88a,圖21d
           Sotheby’s London, 14th May 2008, lot 265.
           Kinas kunst i svensk og dansk eje [Chinese art in Swedish
           and Danish collections], Danske kunstindustrimuseum,
           Copenhagen, 1950, cat. no. 307.
           Bo Gyllensvärd, Chinese Ceramics in the Carl Kempe
           Collection, Stockholm, 1964, pl. 461.
           Jan Wirgin, Sung Ceramic Designs, Stockholm, 1970, pl. 88a,
           fig. 21d.
           HK$ 2,400,000-3,200,000
           US$ 306,000-408,000

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