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           PROPERTY FROM AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION     明   仿哥釉雙耳葫蘆扁壺
           MING DYNASTY                              來源:
                                                     Cunliffe 勛爵(1899-1963年)收藏
           modelled on a Middle Eastern metalwork prototype, with a   日本私人收藏
           flattened spherical body with two domed sides resting on   香港蘇富比2006年4月10日,編號1615
           a rectangular footring, surmounted by a waisted neck and
           garlic-shaped mouth, flanked by a pair of arched handles   展覽:
           extending from the upper neck and terminating at the   《The Oriental Ceramic Society Exhibition of Ju and Kuan
           shoulders with a broad ruyi-shaped tab, covered overall in   Wares: Imperial Wares of the Sung Dynasty, Related Wares
           a thick creamy-beige glaze suffused with a matrix of iron-  and Derivatives of Later Date》,倫敦,1952年,編號
           wire crackle with a few golden threads, the glaze stopping   82,缺圖
           neatly above the foot revealing the brown-dressed unglazed
           footring                                  出版:
           19.3 cm, 7½ in.                           朱湯生,《中國瓷器—莊紹綏收藏》,香港,2009
           Collection of Lord Cunliffe (1899-1963).   仿哥釉雙耳葫蘆扁壺,融合早明御瓷經典器形與宋代
           A Japanese private collection.            名窰釉色,敦樸素雅,極為罕見,與當朝多數瓷作相
           Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 10th April 2006, lot 1615.  異,或為特製,獨一無二之例。

           The Oriental Ceramic Society Exhibition of Ju and Kuan
           Wares: Imperial Wares of the Sung Dynasty, Related Wares
           and Derivatives of Later Date, London, 1952, cat. no. 82,
           Julian Thompson, The Alan Chuang Collection of Chinese
           Porcelain, Hong Kong, 2009, pl. 27.
           HK$ 4,000,000-6,000,000
           US$ 510,000-765,000

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