Page 36 - Sotheby's May 10th 2017 London Important Chinese Art
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The beautiful, rich red glaze of this dish cannot be better A successfully red copper-red heirloom dish of similar shape,
described than with the somewhat over-used term ‘crushed mark and size as the present piece, in the National Palace
strawberries’. Monochrome copper-red glazes were perfected Museum, Taiwan, was included in the Museum’s exhibition
during the Yongle (1403-1424) and Xuande (1426-1435) reigns, Mingdai Xuande guanyao jinghua tezhan tulu/Catalogue of the
but the large number of discarded sherds at the Jingdezhen Special Exhibition of Selected Hsüan-te Imperial Porcelains
kiln sites impressively highlights the di culties experienced by of the Ming Dynasty, Taipei, 1998, cat. no. 168, together with
even the highly accomplished imperial potters of that time to another of slightly smaller size, with incised reign mark, cat.
achieve satisfactory results. After the Xuande reign, the copper no. 170, and a third of similar size, also with incised reign mark
pigment was therefore almost completely abandoned until and left white inside, cat. no. 169. A similar, slightly larger
it was revived on a grand scale, but never again to similarly dish in the National Museum of China, Beijing, is illustrated in
striking results, in the Kangxi period (1662-1722) of the Qing Zhongguo Guojia Bowuguan guancang wenwu yanjiu congshu/
dynasty (1644-1911). Studies on the Collections of the National Museum of China.
Ciqi juan [Porcelain section], vol. 1: Mingdai [Ming dynasty],
While copper began to be used at the Jingdezhen porcelain Shanghai, 2007, pl. 47. Three copper-red dishes of this form,
manufactories in the Yuan dynasty (1279-1368) and was of Xuande mark and period are preserved in the Shanghai
experimented with throughout the Hongwu reign (1368-1398), Museum, one slightly larger, two of similar size, but one of the
it was only in the Yongle period that a satisfactory bright red latter with the reign mark incised; see Lu Minghua, Shanghai
began to be achieved after many adjustments of glaze recipes, Bowuguan zangpin yanjiu daxi/Studies of the Shanghai
Museum Collections : A Series of Monographs. Mingdai
ring conditions and temperatures; but as Nigel Wood states guanyao ciqi [Ming imperial porcelain], Shanghai, 2007, pls
(Chinese Glazes. Their Origins, Chemistry and Recreation, 3-42, 3-43, and 3-44; Lu also publishes a modern copy of a
London, 1999, p. 178), “When we come to examine Xuande (AD red Xuande dish, pl. 5-30; another dish of this type and size
1426-1435) copper-red porcelains from Jingdezhen we are at in the Tianjin Municipal Museum is illustrated in Tianjin Shi
the very peak of Chinese copper-red porcelain production.” Yishu Bowuguan cang ci/Porcelains from the Tianjin Municipal
Museum, Hong Kong, 1993, pl. 80.
While both the Yongle and Xuande strata of the waste heaps
of the imperial kiln site have brought to light many examples A similar dish was twice sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 1st
of copper-red pieces that did not meet the high standards of October 1991, lot 764 and 11th June 1996, lot 29; and one from
quality control, extant heirloom examples of either period are the Wu Lai Hsi collection, perhaps the same as the present
extremely rare; for discarded copper-red vessels of the Yongle dish or as the latter piece, was sold, unillustrated, in these
and Xuande reigns, the latter mostly with incised reign marks, rooms, 26th May 1937, lot 82; a slightly smaller one was sold in
see Jingdezhen chutu Mingdai yuyao ciqi [Porcelains from the these rooms, 24th July 1968, lot 412; and a slightly larger dish
Ming imperial kilns excavated at Jingdezhen], Beijing, 2009, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, is illustrated
cat. nos. 18-30 and 44-9, where heaps of copper-red sherds in Suzanne G. Valenstein, A Handbook of Chinese Ceramics,
are illustrated, p. 14, gs. 9 and 10. New York, 1989, pl. 153; another is in the Sir Percival David
Collection in the British Museum, London (A 519).
Two discarded copper-red glazed dishes with underglaze-
blue Xuande marks and of the period, one with a ne, deep The present dish comes from the collection of Enid and
red glaze on the inside, but a broad area at the rim remaining Francis Brodie Lodge (1880-1967), early members and strong
white on the outside, the other with a mottled greyish red on supporters of the Oriental Ceramic Society, who contributed to
the outside, were included in the exhibition Imperial Porcelain many of the Society’s exhibitions. Their collection comprised
of the Yongle and Xuande Periods Excavated from the Site ceramics from the Tang (618-907), Song (960-1279), Ming
of the Ming Imperial Factory at Jingdezhen, Hong Kong (1368-1644) and Qing dynasties as well as archaic bronzes.
Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1989, cat. nos 69 and 70. Two
other red dishes with blue Xuande marks and of the period,
also discarded at the kiln site, one perhaps red somewhat
too dark, the other somewhat too pale, were included in the
exhibition Jingdezhen chutu Yuan Ming guanyao ciqi/Yuan’s
and Ming’s Imperial Porcelain Unearthed from Jingdezhen, Yan-
Huang Art Museum, Beijing, 1999, cat. nos. 227 and 228.