Page 49 - Bonhams July 7th 2020 Hong Kong Fine Chinese Paintings
P. 49



           158                                               159
           QI GONG (1912-2005)                               QI GONG (1912-2005)
           Poem in Running Script                            White Lotus
           Ink on paper, framed                              Ink and colour on paper, framed
           Signed Qi Gong, with a dedication and two seals of the artist   Inscribed and signed Qi Gong, with a dedication and two seals of the
           77.5 x 39.4cm (30½ x 15½in)                       artist
                                                             Dated 1990
           HK$50,000 - 70,000                                47 x 37.2cm (18½ x 14⅝in)
           US$6,500 - 9,000
                                                             HK$30,000 - 50,000
           啟功 行書姜夔〈除夜自石湖歸苕溪〉其一 水墨紙本 鏡框                       US$3,900 - 6,500

           款識:                                               啟功 白荷 設色紙本 鏡框 一九九〇年作
           橋。克里同志正,啟功。                                       款識:
           鈐印:啟功之印、再壬子以後作                                    日,借居同樂園晴窓,啟功。


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