Page 63 - Six treasures of IMpeerial Art Sothebys Hong Kong April 3 2019
P. 63

Fig. 2                                    Fig. 3
                             Guan lobed jardinière, Southern Song – Yuan dynasty   Qingbai lobed jardinière, Southern Song dynasty
                             © Collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei  Excavated from a tomb dated 1205 in Liugongmiao, Zhangshu City,
                             圖二                                        Jiangxi Provence
                             南宋至元  官窰青瓷海棠式花盆                           Courtesy of the Zhangshu Museum
                             © 台北國立故宮博物院藏品                             圖三
                                                                       南宋 青白釉海棠式爐 江西省樟樹市劉公廟南宋開禧元年

                             Museum, Beijing, published in Junyao yaji. Gugong Bowuyuan   pieces were displayed. She described the collection as
                             zhencang ji chutu Junyao ciqi huicui/Selection of Jun   ‘small, formed by two people with extremely good taste’.   5
                             Ware. The Palace Museum’s Collection and Archaeological   The Japanese collector, connoisseur and antiques dealer
                             Excavation, Palace Museum, Beijing, 2013, pls 63 and 64.   Sakamoto Gorō, is a true legend in the world of Chinese art.
                             Sir Percival David in his introduction to the 1952 Oriental   His career, which spanned almost seventy years, made him
                             Ceramics Society exhibition on Ru and guan wares, lists the   an authority in the field that was far beyond simply having
                             present guan jardinière as having ‘its opposite number in   a good eye for art. Mr Sakamoto is remembered as an
                             certain similarly shaped vessels and their stands of Chün   international treasure with the ability for divining the spirit or
                             ware, such as the well known example in the Freer Gallery’. 4  atmosphere given off by a work of art and detecting the true
                                                                       nature of the object. 6
                             Apart from its imperial provenance, this jardinière was
                             formerly in the distinguished collections of Mrs Alfred   1   Transcription and translation of the poem is included in the British Museum
                             Clark (1890-1976) and Mr Sakamoto Gorō (1923-2016).   website collection_online/
                             The former, married to Alfred Clark (1873-1950), the   9&sortBy=imageName&page=1 [Accessed: March 2, 2019].
                             British-American pioneer of music recording and cinema   2   Quoted in Chuogeng lu tongjian [General guidance on retirement to the
                             and manager of companies such as HMV and EMI, was   countryside], Beijing, 1950.
                             an enthusiastic collector of Chinese ceramics and with   3    See Zhongguo Shehui, Kexueyuan Kaogusuo, eds, Nan Song guanyao [Guan
                             her husband formed one of the most important Western   ware from the Southern Song dynasty], Beijing, 1996; Du Zhengxian, ed.,
                             collections in the early 20th century. Husband and wife were   Hangzhou Laohudong yaozhi ciqi jingxuan [Selected masterpieces from
                                                                        Laohudong kiln site, Hangzhou], Beijing, 2002; and Zhang Zhenchang, ed.,
                             both members of the Oriental Ceramic Society, with Alfred   Nan Song guanyao wenji [A collection of essays on Southern Song dynasty
                             Clark on the Council of the society between 1934-1948, and   guan kiln], Beijing, 2004.
                             lent many of their pieces to exhibitions including the Royal   4   Sir David’s introduction in The Oriental Ceramic Society Exhibition of Ju
                             Academy of Arts in London in 1935-1936, and the Oriental   and Kuan Wares: Imperial Wares of the Sung Dynasty, Related Wares and
                             Ceramic Society exhibition in 1952. Lady David (wife of Sir   Derivatives of Later Date, London, 1952, p. 4.
                                                                       5   Stacey Pierson, Collectors, Collections and Museums: The Field of Chinese
                             Percival David) is recorded saying how most of the Clark   Ceramics in Britain, 1560-1960, Oxford and New York, 2007, pp. 171-2.
                             collection of Chinese ceramics was displayed in the living   6   Jeffey Hantover, ‘Sakamoto Gorō and the Art of Mekiki,’ in Chinese Art
                             rooms, with a ‘little room upstairs’ where their Song dynasty   Through the Eye of Sakamoto Gorō, Sotheby’s New York, March 2015, p. 12.

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