Page 68 - Six treasures of IMpeerial Art Sothebys Hong Kong April 3 2019
P. 68


           A RARE GUAN LOBED JARDINIÈRE              南宋至元   官窰海棠式花盆
           of quatrelobed section, the deep gently flaring sides divided   艾弗瑞.克拉克夫人(1890-1976年)收藏,編號661
           into four lobes, rising from four ruyi-shaped feet to a wide
           everted rim, the dark brown body covered overall in a silky   Dr Lin 收藏,售於倫敦蘇富比1975年3月25日,編號
           opaque glaze of greyish-celadon tone, suffused with a fine   102
           network of luminous golden-beige crackles, the interior with   2003年購自坂本五郎(1923-2016年)
           five fine, dark brown spur marks          展覽:
           15 cm, 5⅞ in.
                                                     《Exhibition of Chinese Art for Chinese Medical Relief》
           PROVENANCE                                ,倫敦,1938年(標籤)
           Collection of Mrs Alfred Clark (1890-1976), no. 661.   《The Oriental Ceramic Society Exhibition of Ju and Kuan
           Collection of Dr Lin, sold at Sotheby’s London, 25th March   Wares: Imperial Wares of the Sung Dynasty, Related Wares
           1975, lot 102.                            and Derivatives of Later Date》,倫敦,1952年,編號
           Acquired from Sakamoto Gorō (1923-2016) in 2003.  62
                                                     《Mostra d’Arte Cinese》,多奇宮,威尼斯,1954年,
           Exhibition of Chinese Art for Chinese Medical Relief, London,
           1938, label.                              出版:
           The Oriental Ceramic Society Exhibition of Ju and Kuan   大維德爵士,《Chinese Connoisseurship: The Ko Ku
           Wares: Imperial Wares of the Sung Dynasty, Related Wares   Yao Lun. The Essential Criteria of Antiquities》,紐
           and Derivatives of Later Date, London, 1952, cat. no. 62.   約,1971年,圖版22d
           Mostra d’Arte Cinese/Exhibition of Chinese Art, Palazzo
           Ducale, Venice, 1954, cat. no. 465.
           Sir Percival David, Chinese Connoisseurship: The Ko Ku Yao
           Lun. The Essential Criteria of Antiquities, New York, 1971, pl.

           HK$ 15,000,000-20,000,000
           US$ 1,920,000-2,550,000

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